

Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront puts you in the heat of the action as you relive all of the intense battles from the classic and prequel eras of the Star Wars universe. You'll fight in more than 15 environments across 10 diverse planets, including Hoth, Geonosis, Yavin, Tatooine, and Naboo. You can...

The Sims 3: Pets

Create perfect—or imperfect—pets for your Sims, from fierce guard dogs to destructive kittens to trusty horses and more as you determine not only how your Sims’ pets look but their personality traits as well. With a variety of new activities and social interactions, take control of these pets and experience...

The Sims 3

The Sims 3 inspires you to play with life with endless possibilities - create anyone, take them anywhere, and share them with everyone. Send your Sims out to explore new locations and prepare yourself for unexpected moments of surprise and mischief. - Create Your Sims Create any Sim you can...

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Diablo, the Lord of Terror, has fallen to a brave hero beneath the church of Tristram. Now that hero is gone, replaced by a Dark Wanderer who roams the world of Sanctuary leaving death and destruction in his wake. As a hero of humanity, you must face the minions of...

The Novelist

The Novelist asks one central question: can you achieve your dreams without pushing away the people you love? The game focuses on Dan Kaplan, a novelist struggling to write the most important book of his career while trying to be the best husband and father he can be. The Kaplans...

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets lets you return to the Hogwarts school with Harry, for all-new adventures and excitement! All this plus new wizard duels, Quidditch leagues and fun interaction with all of Harry's friends! Be Harry Potter in a unique new PC adventure with more magic, friendship,...

Star Wars Episode I: Racer

Imagine Ben Hur in a galaxy far, far away. Replace the two-wheeled carriage with a futuristic, hovering pod -- now take away the horses and strap two giant afterburner-powered engines to the vehicle. The boost of the two fuselages pulls the carriage forward at speeds in excess of 600mph and...

Shrek 2

Shrek 2's storyline follows the same plot of the movie. Shrek and Fiona are on a journey to Far, Far Away Land to visit Fiona's parents. Shrek's in-laws aren't too thrilled that a crude ogre is married to their beloved daughter, so the battle for acceptance ensues. The game also...

Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time

The game's narrative involves master thief Carmen Sandiego, who has used a time machine called the Chronoskimmer to plant her associates at key historical events, aiming to influence history by stopping these events from occurring. The objective of the game is to track down Carmen Sandiego and her henchmen by...

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (1996) Alternative Titles: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Carmen Sandiego and her international gang are behind the thefts of some of the world's most priceless treasures. It is your job, as a rookie detective, to identify the thief, obtain an arrest warrant and to finally track down the crook to his/her hideout before time runs out. As you...

Carmen Sandiego: Math Detective

The world is in desperate need of your clever mathematical mind! Carmen Sandiego™ has developed a sinister shrinking device that has already taken the Mount out of Everest and the Grand out of the world's most famous Canyon! To restore these and other cherished landmarks to their rightful size, you...

Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective

Word is out! In an unspeakable attempt to turn the English language on its ear, Carmen Sandiego™ has invented the Battle-On Machine, a diabolical device that transforms language into utter nonsense. As Agent 13, your mission is to free a dozen babbling ACME agents by completing over 60 activities that...

The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 1 - All That Remains

The Walking Dead is an episodic video game series based on Robert Kirkman’s award-winning comic books. Season One of The Walking Dead won over 90 Game of the Year Awards. Season Two continues the story that began in Season One. You are Clementine, a young survivor in a world gone...

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Based on New Line Cinema's upcoming film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic fantasy novel, The Lord of the Rings™: The Return of the King™ video game will put the fate of Middle-earth in the hands of the gamer. In the final installment of the blockbuster movie trilogy, players must destroy...

Yo-Jin-Bo: The Bodyguards

You are Sayori, a more-or-less ordinary high school student who is spending her summer vacation helping at an archaeological excavation. One day in the ruins, you happen to notice something shining half-buried in the mud. When you look more closely, you realize it is a pendant, and you pick it...


The basic objective of the game is to guide a group of humanoid lemmings through a number of obstacles to a designated exit. In order to save the required number of lemmings to win, one must determine how to assign a limited number of eight different skills to specific lemmings...

Battlestations: Pacific

Set in WWII, Battlestations: Pacific delivers intense, action-packed combat and strategic warfare on an extraordinary scale and features two distinctly different single player campaigns. As the Americans, the game picks up the story where Battlestations: Midway left off and allows players to fight their way from The Battle of Midway...

Mr. Bree Plus Alternative Titles: Mr. Bree+

The game tells the story of a householding family pig that was captured by the wild boars and sent to work as a captive. Until the day he ran away. During his escape, Mr. Bree had a trauma and forgot about his family, the way home, and also his movement...


View Back of Box Race to the finish line as you live all the fun and excitement of the next Walt Disney Pictures presentation of a Pixar Animation Studios film, "Cars." Play as all your favorite characters as you help Lightning McQueen capture the coveted Piston Cup Championship. Story-based adventure...


Spy Hunter is a reboot of the legendary combat driving series and races forward on its most thrilling and dangerous ride yet. The player once again takes on the role of the "Agent," the driver of the high-tech G-6155 Interceptor supercar, armed extensively with advanced weaponry, and ready to take...

XIII Alternative Titles: Thirteen

The leader of the free world has been assassinated and you are the prime suspect. You wake up on a desolate strip of a New England beach. The near-fatal impact of a bullet has left your head pounding and your memory erased. What's more, the number "XIII" has been mysteriously...

Worms Blast

The gameplay is similar to that of Puzzle Bobble/Bust-a-Move, but with several key differences. There is a hexagonal grid of coloured blocks at the top of the screen, while the player's character sits on a boat floating in water. Unlike Puzzle Bobble, it is able to move side to side....

4X4 Evolution

Terminal Reality presents 4X4 Evolution, a new and dynamic simulation racer featuring rugged, customizable 4X4 vehicles. Experience a rough off-road ride through a total of 16 tracks, each with its own distinctive design, music score, and difficulty level. Compete in a series of off-road races to make some serious cash,...

Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

In Jedi Outcast, you once again play Kyle Katarn, star of LucasArts' Star Wars-inspired 1st-person shooters Star Wars: Dark Forces and Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II. Kyle has retired from being a Jedi fearing consequences from the Dark Side of the Power found within himself during his...

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Be Riddick, the most ruthless criminal in the universe. In his latest chronicle, Riddick has been captured by The Dark Athena, a mercenary ship hell-bent on eliminating him once and for all. Using his intense hand-to-hand combat skills, explosive firepower, and lethal stealth, Riddick must shut down the maniacal Captain...

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