Geo Stelar and crew return to battle a whole host of UMA's (unidentified animated beings) and a new rival character appears named "Rogue." Amidst this new conflict, a mysterious organization emerges with plans to revive the ancient civilization of "Mu" by utilizing the force of an ancient heritage "OOPArt." It's...
A spin-off of the Mega Man Battle Network franchise, this game brings the franchise back with similar RPG gameplay but with an all-new Mega Man character and storyline to play through. This action RPG blends exploration with fast-paced battles, as players travel between real world and virtual "Wave World." In...
A spin-off of the Mega Man Battle Network franchise, this game brings the franchise back with similar RPG gameplay but with an all-new Mega Man character and storyline to play through. This action RPG blends exploration with fast-paced battles, as players travel between real world and virtual "Wave World." In...
A spin-off of the Mega Man Battle Network franchise, this game brings the franchise back with similar RPG gameplay but with an all-new Mega Man character and storyline to play through. This action RPG blends exploration with fast-paced battles, as players travel between real world and virtual "Wave World." In...
Based on the highly-anticipated feature film from DreamWorks Animation, Over the Hedge for the Nintendo DS and Game Boy® Advance are two unique games that takes players on an interactive adventure beyond the film. Assuming the roles of RJ the raccoon, Verne the turtle and Hammy the squirrel, players turn...
Open Season is a riotous romp in the great outdoors, where the rowdy brood of forest animals turns the tables on a bunch of unsuspecting hunters. When a domesticated grizzly named Boog gets lured into leaving the creature comforts of home by a fast-talking mule deer named Elliot, he finds...
Can you truck n' trade your way to the top? There may be some sibling rivalry along the way (not to mention obstacles of other types...), but as Ma always says, "When it comes to business, family don't mean squat!" *Unique gameplay concept - trucking, trading and cunning combine! *...
Story Mode No toy gets left behind as you run, ride and fly through scenes from Toy Story 3! Play as Woody, Buzz or Jessie. Each one has different and unique abilities. You can swap control between the characters at any time. You can also perform cooperative moves that give...
Accepted into the Great Detective Society, Mackenzie has become a fully-accredited sleuth. Trouble is, people still do not take her seriously. All that changes when a string of strange thefts pulls her into a puzzling plot, and she'll have to use all of her skills and intuition to discover the...
Investigate mysteries in a world of fantastic occurrences in this touch-screen adventure! When Mackenzie's father passes away, he leaves his renowned detective agency in her hands. Sleuth around a world where you'll find oddities like walking skeletons and robot butlers. Your caseload includes finding a missing person, recovering a stolen...
The third installment of the stealth-action series starring Sam Fisher. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory takes place in 2008, an age where electronic warfare has turned into the greatest threat to world security. As secret agent Sam Fisher, you are tasked with tracking down and eliminating some of the world's most...
The fury-fueled video game features key moments from the film, as well as additional plot lines and characters from The Incredible Hulk universe. Players crash through New York City, battling gigantic enemies amidst soaring skyscrapers in a massive open world. Relentless Devastation. Unleashing the Hulk's anger generates Rage points that...
In Mega Man ZX, hundreds of years have passed since the battles between humans and Reploids (robots). After fierce wars between the two sides, peace was finally restored and the two groups were able to establish various cooperative nations within the "Inner" area of the universe. However, danger zones remained...
Developed as a title for Mega Man's 20th anniversary, Mega Man ZX Advent is a fast-paced action game that follows two heroes, Grey and Ash, on two separate but intertwining adventures as they search for answers amidst a chaotic war between humans and robots. They discover the power of the...
Experience the magic, live the adventure! Spyro returns home to the dragon realms to find them in ruins. He soon discovers that a powerful magic force has banished everyone to the mysterious Shadow Realm. Spyro must master the use of magic and hone his skills - take touch-screen control of...
What begins as an innocent childhood voyage of a boy following alongside his father's journey soon develops into an adventure of a brave young man travelling the world as he faces life-altering decisions. Step into the shoes of a hero in the makings to fulfil your destiny, befriending a crew...
Rango is an action/adventure game set in a gritty, pint-sized, Wild West world filled with off-color characters, wild rides and frantic shoot-outs. Players of all ages will meet the residents of the town of Dirt and play through Rango's whacky Tall Tales of Adventure, brimming with intense action and outlandish...
Players will take control of WALL-E and EVE through a fast-paced adventure based on the upcoming DisneyPixar film. The game will allow fans to relive some of the movie's most thrilling moments as they explore 10 worlds filled with non-stop action and adventure, along with head-to-head multiplayer challenges. Players will...
Bolt is an adventure game based on the Disney film of the same name. The player follows and controls the superdog Bolt and Penny on various missions taking place in the fictional universe from the movie. By using Bolt's superpowers, the player can fight enemies. New powers, such as Superbark...
Take on the role of special agent to stop a notorious thief from stealing the town treasure. Search for clues, solve devious puzzles and match wits with the mysterious thief in order to protect the treasure. Gather intel around town, investigate suspects, and search underground caverns for clues. Only the...
In Zoo Tycoon 2 DS, players will create the zoo of their dreams while collecting and caring for their favorite animals from every continent. The game features three game modes including Zoo Designer Mode, Zoo Director Mode and all new Zookeeper Mode which gives players the ability to view and...
Easy to learn, hard to master! Encounter the ultimate zoo experience in Zoo Tycoon DS! Get up close and personal while collecting and caring for the world's most popular animals in a custom zoo you create! Manage your environment properly and achieve the ultimate goal of a zoo full of...
Celebrating 20 years of vampire hunting action, the legendary Castlevania series is back with an all-new action packed adventure. Take control of two heroes, Jonathan Morris, a vampire killer and his close friend Charlotte Orlean, a girl with tremendous magical ability. Amidst the chaos of World War II, two mysterious...
TOMY Corporation and D3Publisher present NARUTO: Path of the Ninja 2, the latest in the popular RPG videogame series this fall as Naruto and his friends take on a brand-new mission. The completely original storyline will test the resolve of aspiring ninja everywhere as they use the DS Touch Screen...
Mega Man Battle Network 5 is a video game developed by Capcom for the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS handheld game consoles. It is the fifth game in the Mega Man Battle Network series, and the first Mega Man game to be released on the Nintendo DS. Battle Network...