Three years before the events in the first game, Professor Layton receives a letter from his old schoolmate Clark Triton. It states that “a mysterious giant shrouded in fog has been laying waste to our houses.” The professor heads to the town of Misthallery to investigate, and is joined by...
The Amazing Spider-Man is a third-person open world action/adventure video game, a tie-in to the film of the same name featuring the Marvel Comics superhero, Spider-Man. The game is set after the film, where new Oscorp executive Alistair Smythe (an expert in nano-technology), plans to create more cross-species experiments using...
Annie was just a simple girl who lived in a town located within the mainland. However, all she did was sleep and fantasize about becoming rich and famous someday by marrying up. Worried about their daughter, her parents consulted Annie's grandfather, a great alchemist, for advice on what to do....
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded is a unique Kingdom Hearts adventure for play on Nintendo DS and DSi. A retelling of the earlier episodically released Japanese title, Kingdom Hearts Coded, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded contains all eight episodes of the previous game on a single game cartridge. The game is an engrossing mix...
Cookie & Cream, known in Japan as KuriKuri DS: Otasuke Island, is an action-adventure game. It is a port of The Adventures of Cookie & Cream for the PlayStation 2. Cookie & Cream lets players navigate their way through terrain on the top screen while solving puzzles and disarming traps...
Just like its predecessor, Stardust Accelerator, There are two parts to the game; Story Mode and World Championship. Story Mode contains a 3D map, where the players can interact with other characters and confront obstacles. The story mode is an alternate retelling of the "Dark Signers" arc of the 5D's...
Professor Layton and his assistant Luke attend the unveiling of a new invention called a time machine. The Prime Minister of London is volunteered as a test subject, but the machine explodes and there is no trace of him. With the Prime Minister missing, London is in chaos! Shortly after...
Meet Henry Hatsworth, a quirky, light-hearted character who players will guide on their journey through a new style of gaming adventure on their Nintendo DS. In this two-in-one adventure, players explore five exotic worlds, fight a variety of opponents, and venture through more than 30 levels, including nearly a dozen...
Bakugan Battle Brawlers is a video game based on the original anime series made by NOW Production and Activision for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS and Wii. The game was released on October 20, 2009. One day the player's character meets Dan Kuso, one of the...
The spread of a mysterious website that offers a preview of people’s deaths, and the terror that suddenly strikes Japan—a connection that must be solved before a foreboding death nears the characters in the popular Shin Megami Tensei series, Devil Survivor 2. With an all-new story and cast, an expanded...
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon is the final chapter of The Legend of Spyro trilogy for PS3, PS2, Wii and Xbox 360, originally called The Legend of Spyro The Darkest Hour. It is released the same month as the other two The Legend of Spyro games. Although...
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning is the first game in The Legend of Spyro trilogy, a reboot of the Spyro series. It was developed by Krome Studios for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, and Game Boy Advance systems and Amaze Entertainment with a separate version for the Nintendo...
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night is part of the Legend of Spyro trilogy and continues on the story of the Ape King. The game has gameplay likewise to the older Spyro games. It plays as a platformer game in which you travel through different worlds and each world...
Fairy Tail Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou is a video game of Fairy Tail for Nintendo DS. It is the second game created on the Nintendo DS, developed by Hudson and it follows the story of the Fighting Festival arc to the Oración Seis arc.
Fairy Tail Gekitou! Madoushi Kessen is a video game of Fairy Tail for Nintendo DS. It is the first Fairy Tail game on the Nintendo DS developed by Hudson and it follows the story from the Macao arc to the Tower of Heaven arc.
Everything you love about Mario Party ... in the palm of your hand! The party boards and minigames are crazier than ever in a new title that shrinks down the whole Mario crew for whimsical party play. Mario Party DS brings back a play dynamic from previous games: putting traps...
In a fitting reflection of the relationship shared with Amaterasu, the powerful sun goddess who embodied a wolf in Ōkami, the child deity Chibiterasu manifests in the form of a white wolf cub in Ōkamiden. The game is set nine months after the events of the previous game, and the...
Using the stylus, slide Pokemon puzzle pieces and line up four in a row (horizontally or vertically) to make a "Trozei" and clear the screen. Find a line up over 380 Pokemon puzzle pieces to complete your Trozei list. Battle or cooperate wirelessly with friends to help uncover rare Pokemon...
Pokemon racing game for Nintendo DS. Players race against other Pokemon, pushing the character along by using the stylus to shove the character in the direction that the stylus is slid. The faster the player moves the stylus, the faster the character moves on-screen. The game makes use of both...
Pokemon HeartGold Version and Pokemon SoulSilver Version return players to the scenic Johto region first introduced in the beloved original Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver games nearly a decade ago. The richly detailed adventure of Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver is now enhanced for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi...
Pokemon HeartGold Version and Pokemon SoulSilver Version return players to the scenic Johto region first introduced in the beloved original Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver games nearly a decade ago. The richly detailed adventure of Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver is now enhanced for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi...
Only You and Your Pokemon Can Protect Almia! As a Pokemon Ranger, your duty is to fight the shadows that threaten the peace of the Almia region. With the help of your Pokemon, every mission is an adventure! The Stylus action heats up every time you capture Pokemon! Befriend and...
Visit a cool region and experience a different way to interact with Pokémon in the Pokémon Ranger game for the Nintendo DS system. Join the Pokémon Rangers and help maintain harmony between humans and Pokémon with the help of the Capture Styler. But look out for the Go-Rock Squad—they want...
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky is the newest installment in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon video game series. The game expands on the fun found in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness. Players be a Pokémon and team up with a partner Pokémon....
For years you've captured, traded and battled with them; now it's time once again to become a Pokémon yourself! Join a guild and prepare for adventure as you return to a fantastic land untouched by humans. The secret world of Pokémon once again lures in a human Trainer, turning him...