Momotarou Dentetsu Happy is the fifth and final Super Famicom game in the Momotarou Dentetsu series, which takes Momotaro from Japanese folklore (and Hudson's other series, Momotarou Densetsu) and puts him in a board game about creating a railroad empire. The "Happy" subtitle was chosen as the game was meant...
Super Momotarou Dentetsu DX is a multiplayer board game that concerns electric railways and transport and is part of the Momotarou Dentetsu series from Hudson that began as a punnish spin-off of their Momotarou Densetsu games and quickly surpassed it in popularity. DX is the fourth Momotarou Dentetsu game for...
Super Momotaro Dentetsu III is a 1994 Super Famicom release and the fourth game in Hudson's Momotaro Dentetsu series of train simulation board games. It plays similarly to Itadaki Street or Monopoly in that the player has to accrue wealth by purchasing properties and making other business deals that are...
Super Momotarou Dentetsu II is the second "Super" game in the long-running Momotarou Dentetsu series and the third overall. It was the first game in the series to be released on the Super Famicom: both Momotarou Dentetsu and Super Momotarou Dentetsu were Famicom games (though the latter was also released...
Gekisou Sentai Carranger: Zenkai! Racer Senshi! ("Sprint Squad Carranger: Full Throttle! Racer Soldiers!") is a side-scrolling action game featuring the Carranger, a squad of costumed warriors who are supported by special car constellations and fight to protect the Earth from a reckless alien biker gang. The original Japanese show is...
Crayon Shin-Chan 2: Dai Maou no Gyakushu is a platformer based on the Crayon Shin-Chan anime and manga. The player, as the mischievous kindergartner Shin-chan, must rescue his favorite super hero Action Kamen ("Action Mask") from his prison before Action Kamen's supervillain nemesis Haiguremaou can take over both Action Kamen's...
Crayon Shin-Chan: Nagagutsu Dobon!! is a multiplayer action game for the Super Famicom. It is based on the anime Crayon Shin-Chan. The goal of the game is to splash in puddles and drench the opponent(s). The puddles have a few rules depending on their size, and taking advantage of their...
Five-year-old Shinnosuke Nohara is the epitome of noisy children: loud and inappropriate, infuriating to his parents, and hilarious to onlookers. Shin-chan is always getting in trouble with his parents and saying bizarre or offensive things to everyone he meets. Every so often, though, he'll try to do what his mom...
Asameshimae Nyanko ("Piece of Cake Kitty") is a 1994 puzzle game that plays similarly to Reversi. Players must place two tiles of their color on either side of one of more pieces of the opponent's color, which flips the opponent pieces and makes them the player's. In Asameshimae Nyanko, these...
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Jougai Rantou!? Shuyaku Soudatsusen ("Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S: Out-of-Bounds Brawl!? Protagonist Competition") is a fighting game published by Angel for the Super Famicom platform. The developer is unknown, though Arc System Works has been linked to the game due to various ASW staff members...
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Sailor Stars: Fuwa Fuwa Panic 2 ("Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Sailor Stars: Floating Panic 2") is a Sailor Moon licensed game and the sequel to Bandai's 1995 game Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S: Fuwa Fuwa Panic. It is based on the fifth season of Sailor...
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kurukkurin is a competitive puzzle game featuring Sailor Moon licensed characters. Upon choosing a character (each with unique special moves), the player competes against an opponent. Each player controls a grid of 10x6 sections (represented by hearts) initially made up of clear hearts. The player...
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kondoha Puzzle de Oshiokiyo is a falling block competitive puzzle game. Players begin by choosing from a selection of Sailor Moon licensed characters, each with a unique special attack. The player is presented with a board filled with colored blocks in three colors: red, blue...
Once again the universe is at peril from invaders from beyond, but this time their target is Earth! Galivan and company don't have time to find items or level up weapons as in Galivan's previous outing; this is a no holds barred slugfest. Three characters are playable, each with varying...
Super Power League 4 is a game in Hudson's Power League series of baseball sims which began on the TurboGrafx-16, a system Hudson co-created with NEC. It is the tenth game overall in the series, but the fourth for the Super Famicom specifically. The game features voice commentary from a...
Super Power League 3 is the third Power League game to be released on the Super Famicom and the ninth overall. The series is once again endorsed by Fuji Television, after the second game went with a different sponsor, with play-by-play commentary from Kenji Fukui, an announcer from that network....
Super Power League 2 is a baseball game from Hudson Soft and part of their multi-platform Power League series. It is the second of four games made exclusively for the Super Famicom, all of which have the "Super" prefix. The five Super Power League games were all licensed by Fuji...
Super Power League is a baseball game from Now Production (a.k.a. Nowpro) and published by Hudson Soft for the Super Famicom in Japan only. The game uses large sprites for the batters and focuses a little more on realism than many of its more Arcade-ish peers. It includes a Home...
Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler: Tougi Denshou is a wrestling game from Technos Japan, the developers of Double Dragon and Kunio-kun brawler series. The game is based on Pancrase, a Japanese mixed martial arts circuit founded in 1993 that heavily features professional wrestling. Pancrease's co-founder, Masakatsu Funaki, lends his name to...
The game is set in the end of Edo period in Japan (1600-1868). Japan, controlled by the feudal rulers (shoguns) of the Tokugawa dynasty, consumed by a peaceful sleep for three hundred years, was awoken by the arrival of the Westerners. It seemed that they only wanted the end of...
The game is based on the anime series The Legend of the Swordsman Yaiba. Yaiba Kurogane has been raised by his father in a jungle, training to become a samurai warrior. When Yaiba arrives at Tokyo to continue his training, he stays there at the house of his father's old...
The game is based on the manga Akazukin Cha-Cha ("Red Riding Hood Cha-Cha") by Min Ayahana, and subsequently on the animated TV series that followed it. The manga tells the story of a little girl named Cha-Cha who lives with her teacher on a mountain and studies magic. In the...
Magical Taluluto-kun: Magic Adventure is an action platformer from Bandai based on the Magical Taluluto manga and anime. Like its source, the game is bright and colorful and features a comedic sensibility. It's one of several games to be based on the license. The game is superficially similar to Wonder...
Gaia Saver: Hero Saidai no Sakusen ("Gaia Saver: Hero's Greatest Strategies") is a 1994 Super Famicom turn-based RPG and part of the Compati Hero Series. It features characters from Gundam, Ultraman and Kamen Rider, all in a super deformed form. It's distinct for being a Compati Hero game that wasn't...
Sugoro Quest++ Dicenics ("Sugoro" comes from sugoraku, a classic Japanese board game similar to Snakes and Ladders) is a video game that plays like a board game. It follows similar games like Dokapon 3-2-1 that combines RPG mechanics with a board game presentation. Sugoro Quest++ is the sequel/remake of Sugoro...