Commandos 2: Men of Courage is a tactical action/strategy game set against the backdrop of World War II. Take control of an elite group of commandos who must venture deep into enemy territory and utilize their combined expertise to complete a series of mission-based objectives. Go covert into new environments...
After abandoning the corrupt military and becoming a professional lifter, main character Sumner Sturgeon has become disenchanted with the life of an air sport athlete. Fate intervenes when his lost love returns and enlists his help to discover and stop the creation of the dangerous CFS (Compact Feedback System). Join...
Based off the Eureka Seven anime, this game takes place several years following the show. Developed by BEC, with characters and scenario by the anime staff, you play as a member of the government forces against which the characters in the anime fight. In addition to taking control of the...
Mr. Burns is up to his greedy ways again, purchasing the Springfield Transit Corporation and jacking up the fares. Refusing to shell out the high rates, Springfield citizens are forced into humorous Simpsons' "road rage" as they brave commuters, jam-packed back-routes and the challenge to make enough money to buy...
The follow-up to the blockbuster Spider-Man movie brings with it a follow-up to the blockbuster game, Spider-Man: The Movie. The menacing Dr. Octopus has put NYC in crisis again, but the webslinger is older, wiser and more in command of his powers now. In keeping with the more in-control Spider-Man,...
What's a woodpecker to do when some guy kidnaps his niece and nephew? Leave it to Woody to find a few creative ways to get back at his enemy. Based on the classic Woody Woodpeck cartoons, this game imitates the feel of the time-honored animated series by reproducing the animation...
Dog's Life lets you take on the role of a hound--one that can play fetch, sniff out food, and chase chickens, among other things. Set in the rural Midwest United States countryside, the game starts you off on a journey that spans the country and takes you everywhere from ski...
Conflict: Desert Storm lets you lead one of the best known and most feared special operations forces in the world: the elite British SAS or the US Delta Force. Covert missions take you through hostile environments where only your expertise in stealth, tactics, and firepower will ensure the success and...
Put your driving skills to the ultimate test as you defend Monument City from a criminal gang of racing villains. Combine the cool cars, wild aerial stunts, blazing crashes, huge loops, banked turns, and lightning-fast speed that Hot Wheels is known for with a destructible 3D Hot Wheels world, an...
Zero 4 Champ Series: Drift Champ is a Driving game, published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in 2002.
Looney Tunes favorite Marvin the Martian has a problem. A small blue planet floating innocently enough out in the middle of space is, in fact, disrupting his quality television viewing; all of the planet's electronic gadgets are absolutely ruining his tube's reception and that, above everything else, is simply not...
Loosely based on (or "inspired by", if you will) the classic Bard's Tale series that began as an Apple II RPG in 1985, this new installment brings a fresh dose of comedy to the genre with a 3D isometric view that runs on the Champions of Norrath engine. Is a...
Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance is Capcom's new take on the fighting genre, featuring hard-hitting action in a visceral urban setting. Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance puts gamers in the role of one of five fugitives as they seek revenge against members of their own drug cartel that tried to...
A third-person action title from Acclaim, Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance tells the story of Rome in the year 106 A.D. It follows the exploits of an evil emperor named Arruntius as he gains aid from the demon gods Phobos and Deimos in an effort to destroy and rebuild the Roman...
The Matrix: Path of Neo follows the story of the blockbuster motion picture trilogy and for the first time allow gamers to play as Neo and become "the One". As Neo, the choices the player makes to resolve each scenario and the resulting consequences may have a different result than...
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction blends the best elements of racing and demolition and is packed with 25 different events, including Demo Derby, where the last car standing wins; Gauntlet, where the player climbs behind the wheel of a hearse and tries to finish a set number of laps while...
Rediscover an ancient civilization with an explosive history in the most stunning edition of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Based on the 120-chapter novel that recounts the near collapse of China at the end of the Han Dynasty and the fateful events that followed during the 2nd and 3rd centuries...
Romance of the Three Kingdoms X is the tenth installment in Koei's strategy game series. You can discover China's turbulent history by taking on the roles of Ancient China's most extraordinary figures, including peasant-turned-emperor Liu Bei, conqueror Cao Cao, the elite warrior Zhao Yun, and brilliant strategist Zhuge Liang.
With Ancient China as the backdrop, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX chronicles the events of the 2nd and 3rd century, when a once grand empire fell into civil war. In this chapter of the series, you immediately assume the rank of a Ruler--a role that tests your leadership, management,...
In Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII, you can choose to bring an end to chaos or fuel personal ambitions. Play up to eight characters in a single game--from a loyal officer who helps his lord to a rogue general forging his own path to fortune and glory. While depicting...
Drawing on over 15 years of experience, RTK VII introduces a number of dramatic improvement to the series, such as the ability to play as any character in the game, as well as a variety of character roles/positions. Additionally, the power of the Playstation 2 allows for an even more...
Giorno Giovanna wants to become a gangster in order to fulfill his dream: becoming a "Gangstar" (Gangster Star). After killing Leakey-Eye Luka, Giorno is encountered by Bruno Bucciarati, who wants to make him pay for killing Luka. However Giorno exceeds Bruno's expectations and defeats him. After this Bruno offers him...
The greatest party series around is back for another bout of intensely entertaining family fun and amazing EyeToy innovations, once again courtesy of SCEE London Studio. EyeToy: Play 3 is packed with 12 new and exciting games, stunningly inventive PlayRoom experiments, and a vastly enhanced multiplayer mode that now allows...
EyeToy: Play 2 gives once again offers a variety of mini games that creatively take advantage of Sony's innovative camera technology. As with most EyeToy products your television screen shows your image and surrounds you with PS2-generated graphics that you either try to avoid or snatch or drag. In addition...
Sony's EyeToy is a small digital camera that sits on top of your TV and plugs into your PS2. The motion sensitive camera films you as you stand in front of your TV, putting your image on screen in the middle of the action. Then you use your arms, legs,...