The unlikely but successful action-RPG collaboration between Square Enix and Disney Interactive returns in Kingdom Hearts II; where a darkly-cloaked Mickey Mouse joins Donald, Goofy, and Sora as they continue their adventure into several popular Disney-inspired worlds. Battling against the Heartless once more, the dedicated group of friends now find...
An ancient evil has been unleashed. This Dark Cloud rains destruction on what was once a peaceful and benevolent continent, bringing it to its knees in one fell swoop. Journey on a quest through time to unravel the mysterious tale of the Dark Cloud. Set in a vivid and inviting...
It's some time in the far future, where The Corporation controls everything. People are generally happy, except for a resistance group called Freedom, who do not like The Corporation's dictatorial rule. In State of Emergency, the player can choose from one of five different characters: Spanky, an ex-gang member; McNeil,...
Nick Kang is a young Chinese-American detective who has been suspended from the Los Angeles Police Department due to his extreme methods of policing and his ability to cause massive amounts of damage to property. However, Wanda Parks, the Chief of the E.O.D (Elite Operations Division), requires Nick's assistance in...
Rockstar Games brings their unique storytelling to the perils of the schoolyard in Bully. As a troubled schoolchild at Bullworth Academy, you can to stand up to bullies, deal with malicious teachers, play pranks on other schoolchildren, and try to get the girl in this story-driven action game. Bully adds...
Dawn of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 4) is a game in the World of Mana / Seiken Densetsu series by Square Enix. The story takes place shortly before Sword of Mana and as an action game with exploration elements the gameplay involves traversing levels full of challenges including feats of dexterity,...
As power-hungry warlords battle one another for control of feudal Japan, a young princess is kidnapped. Now, one lone swordsman, Samanosuke, boldly volunteers to rescue and avenge her. An entire legion of demon warriors stands between you and the princess, so you'll need all your weapons and magic to break...
Ōkami is an action-adventure video game developed by Clover Studio and published by Capcom. It was released for Sony's PlayStation 2 video game console in 2006 in Japan and North America, and 2007 in Europe and Australia. Despite the closure of Clover Studio a few months after the game's initial...
Episode II of the Xenosaga series takes you 4,000 years into a war-torn future. The survival of the human race depends on the discovery of Zohar, a legendary artifact that can help you eradicate your alien enemies and usher in an era of universal peace. Now you can rejoin Shion,...
The story of Xenosaga III starts a year after "Xenosaga II" ended. Shion has resigned from Vector Industries after learning that the company is deeply connected to the appearance of the Gnosis. She instead joins Scientia, an underground organization working to unveil Vector's secrets in order to bring them down....
This is the localized North American and European version of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and it is also the Japanese Director’s Cut version which was released due to the Japanese SO3’s original version being incompatible with earlier PS2 models. The Director’s Cut version of the game contains...
Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht is an epic RPG that takes gamers on an unforgettable journey. This intergalactic story takes place years into the future, well after the human race abandoned Earth in favor of the next frontier of space. Expect to play over 80 hours of intriguing...
Two powerful empires, Archadia and Rozaria, are at war. All they care for is victory over the opponent. In order to achieve it more quickly, Archadia invades the small kingdom of Dalmasca. The young prince of Dalmasca falls in battle shortly after his marriage to the beautiful princess Ashe. The...
Taking place two years after Yuna's fateful journey to defeat Sin, the once chaotic world of Spira has gone through a massive transformation, entering a period of "Eternal Calm". The people of Spira now shun the teachings of Yevon and have opened their arms to former foes, the Al Bhed...