Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2, known in Japan as Digital Devil Saga 2 , is a direct sequel to the video game Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, directly continuing the story where it left off. The game marks as the final chapter in the series and answers...
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, known in Japan as Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner, is a PlayStation 2 role-playing game developed by Atlus and first released in Japan on July 15, 2004. It is a spin-off of the Shin Megami Tensei series of video games; the main difference between...
A new threat to Japan's Capital calls for the return of its case-solving, tube-slinging Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha the 14th. When a woman walks into the Narumi Detective Agency and asks to find a man, Raidou's boss is reluctant to accept, but soon it's clear there's more to the case...
Raidou Kuzunoha is a private detective in Japan's Taishou Period of the 1910s and 1920s, but he's much more than just a well-dressed crime scene investigator; he also has the power to capture and conjure demons to do his bidding. Take control of Raidou and his otherworldly companions, guide them...
This is the original Japanese release. Set in postapocalyptic Tokyo, Japan, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne takes you to a world where nearly the entire population is annihilated by a worldwide catastrophe called the Conception. Now the fate of the entire world lies on the shoulders of one boy, who must...
Sora, Donald and Goofy travel down a long road that meanders through endless fields, and come to a crossroads. As Sora stands in the crossroads, he gazes up at the night sky and thinks of his lost friends. Just then, a mysterious man approaches from down one of the branching...
Wild Arms Alter Code: F is an enhanced remake of Wild Arms for the PlayStation 2. The game features entirely new 3D environments, five new playable characters and many other improvements. The game's North American release was postponed several times until it was finally released on November 15, 2005. The...
In the fifth Wild Arms game, the player returns to the spaghetti western world of Filgaia as the young Dean Stark. Dean is a boy who dreams of becoming a hunter of golems, the huge, ancient machines that were once built to serve mankind. Along with his childhood friend Rebecca...
You play as a young teenager named Jude Maverick. You live in a quiet village that floats high above the ground, unaware of the world that lies beneath it. But one day, your world is shattered to pieces, and you descend onto the earth to face the terrible reality: the...
In ancient times, a war was fought against demons on a world named Filgaia. The planet bears the scars of this encounter as much of the world is barren and the ocean has turned to sand. For different reasons, four characters set out to become "drifters" and make their own...
7 Wonders of the Ancient World is a puzzle video game. It was developed by Hot Lava Games and published by MumboJumbo in February 2007. On April 2, 2009, the PSP Version of 7 Wonders was released on the PlayStation Store for $10.00. Players take the task of reconstructing the...
Alvin and the Chipmunks is a video game based on the film of the same name. The game was released on December 4, 2007 and was the first release by video game company Brash Entertainment. It follows The Chipmunks as they play their way from small venues (such as a...
The story begins as Johnny Garland, a young, 16-year old detective who lost his father, sister and his memory in an accident, accepts an investigation to track down a criminal suspect who escaped from custody. As he closes in on the suspect, Johnny witnesses a supernatural occurrence - a huge...
More than a year after the events of the original Shadow Hearts, Yuri embarks on a new expedition in a world full of magic and creatures. Set during World War I, Shadow Hearts: Covenant puts you in the role of Yuri and his companions as they journey to find a...
With a mix of turn-based strategy and role-playing game elements, Shadow Hearts presents a magical quest within a deep storyline. The story comes to life with complex characters, intense battle sequences, and unique gameplay mechanics that give you complete control of the action. You play Yuri--the son of a Chinese...
The first FINAL FANTASY for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system captivates imaginations once again with strikingly sophisticated CG sequences, a riveting storyline, memorable characters and delightful music. The main character, Tidus, is a star player of blitzball, a full contact sport. After miraculously surviving the destruction of his homeland,...
Ar Tonelico takes place in the world of Sol Ciel, a small world consisting of nothing more than a tower and a floating continent. This small world is isolated by the Sea of Death below and a deadly sea of plasma above. The game also features a rare group of...
In an unexpected twist of fate, the spirit of an evil king is unleashed and possesses the shadow of an innocent young boy named Ari. While wielding the burden of an evil being, Ari and his friends must journey across a wonderfully animated, whimsical world. You'll discover new environments, solve...
Hundreds of years before Lenneth's tale, another saga lies concealed by the gods. The valkyrie Silmeria once served Odin loyally, but after an incident ignited a conflict between them, Odin forcefully reincarnated her as a human. The human soul that would carry her spirit was that of Alicia, Princess of...
Radiata Stories is a fantasy role-playing game set in a world where humans and fairies have peacefully coexisted. Now a war has broken out, and you must guide two young protagonists in a mission to save Radiata from destruction. Combat features a real-time link system in which multiple characters can...
The Spirits, who once protected the world, have gone loose. Running around wildly, they created monsters who disturbed the peace in the world and provoked two mighty nations to start an all-destroying war. After years of battles and pain, the two nations finally decided to sign a peace agreement. Now...
Grandia III is the latest installment in the long-running Square Enix role-playing series. Set in a fantasy world where technology has allowed man to fly in magic-powered aircraft, a boy named Yuki is determined to become a great pilot like his idol, the Sky Captain Schmidt. When he and his...
The first installment of Namco's PS2 RPG franchise to be released in North America, Tales of Legendia follows the exploits of the powerful Alliance Marine Senel Coolidge. A master of the "Eres" art and fueled by the desire to find his kidnapped sister Shirley, Senel sets out on a journey...
Fonons. Essential components of all matter on planet Auldrant. Ages ago, a new type of fonon was discovered — the Seventh Fonon. Its discovery threw humanity into chaos, for if one could use the Seventh Fonon, one could learn the future. Wars over the Seventh Fonon raged across the lands,...
Suikoden Tactics is a spin-off in the Suikoden series and a direct sequel to Suikoden IV, its story taking place three years after those described in the previous game. The story narrates what happened after the Kooluk and Island Nations war and the mystery concerning the origins of the Rune...