Ash of Gods: Redemption is a turn-based RPG that combines tactical combat, CCG elements, and a constantly evolving story in which no one is safe from death, including the main characters. GAMEPLAY Ash of Gods is the story of three separate protagonists rising in response to a centuries-old menace once...
"Bendy and the Ink Machine™" is a first person puzzle action horror game that begins in the far days past of animation and ends in a very dark future. Play as Henry as he revisits the demons of his past by exploring the abandoned animator's workshop of Joey Drew Studios....
Cop or criminal? Welcome to your new playground Inspired by emotionally charged TV crime drama, you'll use advanced weaponry and powerful vehicles to deliver your own justice, while you'll be able to form your own crew and wreak citywide destruction in the game's vast multiplayer modes. Turn enemies into fresh...
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM TRILOGY collects 3 STORM games in one breathtaking collection. This series has established itself among the pinnacle of anime & manga adaptations to video games! This collection includes: HD Remasters of NARUTO: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM, NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM 2, and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE...
Set in a fictitious 30 years before FINAL FANTASY XV, this game features retro-style inspired graphics centered around a fast-paced combat system with influences from modern gaming. The in-depth combat system blends intense attacks, devastating magic, mighty summons and unique companion attacks into a singular gaming experience through three diverse...
Conquer with character in Apex Legends, a free-to-play* Battle Royale shooter where legendary characters with powerful abilities team up to battle for fame and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Master an ever-growing roster of diverse legends, deep tactical squad play, and bold new innovations that level-up the Battle...
Welcome to the future of motorsports - the definitive motor racing experience is back and better than ever only on PlayStation 4. Available in 4K HDR Wide Color at 60 FPS with the PS4 PRO, Gran Turismo Sport is the world's first racing experience to be built from the ground...
Arise Demon Hunter. It is time. The years you spent slaughtering demon-kind in the mortal world did little to cleanse your soul. Your sins have been laid bare and you have been judged. You are damned for eternity. The pit awaits! Inspired by the fast-paced FPS games of the 1990s,...
The all-cartoon Magical Wondergame! Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930s, the visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era: traditional hand drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds, and original jazz recordings. Play...
Explore the world of FINAL FANTASY XV with a cast of cute and cool characters! Now you can enjoy the FINAL FANTASY XV story across 10 exciting chapters. 【Story】 The Tale of the Chosen King, Savior to the Star. After years of fighting, the nations of Lucis and Niflheim at...
The Swords of Ditto is a compact action RPG that creates a unique adventure for each new hero of legend in the relentless fight against the evil Mormo. Explore a delightful but dangerous overworld, brave menacing dungeons, and improve your hero in a charming village, during your quest to overcome...
Lost Ember is a storydriven 3rd person exploration adventure for PC and consoles. With a wolf as your main character and a determined companion on your side, you will unveil a story of loyalty, despair and betrayal that led to the fall of a whole world. On your journey you...
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut is the definitive edition of the groundbreaking role playing game. You’re a detective with a unique skill system at your disposal and a whole city block to carve your path across. Interrogate unforgettable characters, crack murders, or take bribes. Become a hero or an...
Pilfer from pirates, conspire with cardinals and perform miracles with an incompetent magician. The Procession to Calvary is a Pythonesque adventure game made from Renaissance paintings, and a spiritual successor to the critically acclaimed Four Last Things. Huzzah! The holy war is over! Your oppressors have been vanquished, the churches...
The celebrated Elder Scrolls series is online for the first time in The Elder Scrolls Online. Discover more of Tamriel than you’ve ever seen, from the frozen peaks of Skyrim to the murky depths of Black Marsh—and do it all with your friends by your side! With a vast (and...
Q.U.B.E: Director’s Cut is the definitive version of the brain-twisting first-person puzzler. Using special high-tech gloves to manipulate cubes in the environment, the player solves an array of conundrums – from physics-based challenges; to 3D jigsaws; to platform-based trials. This time the mind bending gameplay will be accompanied by a...
Wizard of Legend is a fast paced dungeon crawler with rogue-like elements that emphasizes dynamic magical combat. Quick movement and even quicker use of spells will allow you to chain spells together to unleash devastating combinations against your enemies! Battle your way through each challenge by defeating powerful conjured enemies!...
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Shantae is here! Fans asked, and WayForward has answered with a powder keg of high-octane, hair-whipping, hip-shaking action. Shantae: Risky's Revenge sets the bar even higher with thousands of frames of animation, huge multi-sprite bosses and a quest so big it's bursting at the...
The worms are back in their most destructive game yet. Worms W.M.D features hand-drawn 2D look, brand new weapons, the introduction of crafting, vehicles and buildings plus the return of some much-loved classic weapons and gameplay! Work your way through 30 campaign levels of increasing difficulty using the huge arsenal...
Straimium Immortaly is a shmup roguelike dungeoncrawler. Explore the butts-hard procedurally generated Cubicus battling beasties, looting endless item and weapon upgrades and defeating huge boss meanies in your vengeful quest to eradicate the Queeni Emperess. The game also includes a slew of goodies to keep gameplay fresh, such as unlockable...
Iconic genie Shantae is back in her most thrilling adventure yet! The award-winning 2D platforming series levels-up to stunning new heights thanks to an eye-popping new graphical style, an infectious soundtrack and incredible new game features. Transform into different creatures, dance through dynamic, danger-filled stages, complete quests for friends and...
Live the life of a Monster, from birth to elderhood and beyond, making decisions that affect the world of Monsters and Humans. You live in the village of Omen, and your favorite snack is the fingers of small children. As a Monster, you pop up in the most interesting places...
Adventures of Pip revitalizes the classic side-scrolling action platform genre. Pip -- the ultimate digital underdog – is a lowly single pixel in a 32-bit world who proves that you can’t judge a hero by the fidelity of his shaders. During the game, Pip gains the ability to evolve and...
Freedom Finger puts you in control of rookie space pilot, Gamma Ray, as they embark on an intergalactic rescue mission to save lunar scientists who have been taken hostage by terrorists. However, Gamma Ray soon discovers their mission may be more sinister than they thought, forcing them to make difficult...
Another top-down shooter in the TwinBee series of "cute'em ups". Detana!! Introduces for the first time the characters behind the TwinBee & WinBee fighters, Pastel and Light, and chronicles their journey to save Princess Melora from an evil force that threatens the world. Nevertheless its still all about shooting the...