Before, during, and after the events of Corpse Party—in the canon universe, as well as in several alternate timelines—the students of Kisaragi Academy, Byakudan Senior High, Paulownia High, and Musashigawa Middle School had far more experiences within the cursed halls of Heavenly Host Elementary than the stories typically recount. How...
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA is a 2009 rhythm game created by Sega and Crypton Future Media for the PlayStation Portable. The game was first released on July 2, 2009, in Japan with no international release. The game primarily makes use of Vocaloids, a series of singing synthesizer software, and the...
Unchained Blades, titled UnchainBlades ReXX in Japan, is a dungeon crawler role-playing video game for the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Portable video game consoles. The game is played as a dungeon crawler role-playing video game, similar to Wizardry, but with a greater emphasis on story. The purpose of the game...
Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone is a tactical role-playing game for the Game Boy Advance and PlayStation Portable, developed by Sting Entertainment as the second episode of the Dept. Heaven saga of games. Atlus USA localized and published both versions of the game in North America. 505 Games published...
Time Travel? Is this possible? In the realm of science fiction, the power to control time can be classified as the holy grail of science. With this power, what can you do? Undo past mistakes, re-experience memorable days of your life, or can you cheat death to save the life...
After the death of his mother, Tomoya Okazaki—a guarded delinquent student at Hikarizaka High School—struggles to not only make sense of the abusive relationship he has with his alcoholic father, but also find meaning in his life. While on his way to class one morning, he meets a mystifying girl...
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines is a PSP-exclusive game that continues the story of the first Assassin's Creed game and also builds up to its sequel Assassin's Creed II. Unlike the Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles spin-off for mobile and portable devices, it offers the open world and nonlinear gameplay of the original...
The gloves are off and Sonic and his rivals are gearing up for an intense new head-to-head competition exclusively on the PlayStation Portable system. This sequel to Sonic's 2D action platformer features all-new "jostling" controls for tighter competition and a brand new Battle mode that allows two players to jump...
Sonic Rivals is a head-to-head competition between Sonic and his top rivals, where the gloves are off and winner takes all. Built from the ground-up, the engine allows gamers to rip through tracks in some high-spirited single player and wireless multiplayer action against friends as Sonic returns in a whole...
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA 2nd is a 2010 rhythm game created by Sega and Crypton Future Media for the PlayStation Portable. The game is a sequel to the 2009 video game, Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA, and was first released on July 29, 2010, in Japan with no international release. Like...
Manhunt 2 is a violent, stealth-action game developed and published by Rockstar Games. It is the sequel to 2003's Manhunt, although plot-wise it has no relation to it whatsoever. Manhunt 2 begins at the Dixmor Aslyum for The Criminally Insane when one night, the security systems go offline due to...
The fourth entry of the Atelier Iris series, this time around the player takes control of a student named Vayne Aurelius at the Al Revis Academy for Alchemy, where players complete tasks and quests set before them by a professor of the university. If a player fails to complete these...
A must-have for Tekken aficionados, TEKKEN 6 sees the return of many familiar faces as well as new characters to create the largest line-up the series has ever seen. With a growing roster of fighters, each equipped with their own deadly techniques, moves and attack combinations, TEKKEN 6 will be...
Tekken: Dark Resurrection is an updated version of Tekken 5. It is based on the updated version of the arcade game, known as Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection or Tekken 5.2. There are numerous changes and additions. For instance, Armor King and Panda are now characters in their own right, rather...
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny is a fighting video game in the Soul series for PlayStation Portable (PSP). It uses many of the features of Soulcalibur IV, including its character customization mode. One of the goals of the game is "to target beginners and novice players with Soulcalibur IV's content." The game...
Clank's on a mission. His best buddy, Ratchet, has been framed by a ruthless enemy and jailed for a crime he did not commit. Not only that, but Ratchet's maximum security prison is full of the universe's most dangerous criminals most of whom are lining up to personally 'welcome' Ratchet...
While on a much needed vacation, Ratchet and Clank's rest and relaxation time is suddenly cut short as they soon find themselves lured into a mysterious quest. Following the trail of a kidnapped girl, Ratchet and Clank rediscover a forgotten race of genius inventors known as the Technomites. They soon...
DJMax Portable 3 is a music game for the PlayStation Portable published and developed by Pentavision, and is a sequel to the earlier DJMax Portable game series. It is the seventh installment of the game for the PlayStation Portable, and regarded as the actual sequel to DJMAX Portable 2 since...
DJMax Portable: Hot Tunes is an action-rhythm video game for the PlayStation Portable published and developed by Pentavision. It is a compilation of the DJMax Portable and DJMax Portable 2 games. The game is intended to be beginner-friendly and Pentavision stated that players who have never played the DJMax series...
DJ Max Fever is a music game for the PlayStation Portable developed by Pentavision and PM Studios. The game is a compilation of DJMax Portable and DJMax Portable 2 along with additional features. By decision of PM Studios, it is the only title in the DJMax series with a space...
DJMax Portable Black Square is a music game for the PlayStation Portable developed by South Korean developer Pentavision. This is the fourth major game of the DJMAX series released for the PSP. The game includes various enhancements and new features built on from DJMax Portable 2 and DJMax Portable Clazziquai...
DJMax Portable Clazziquai Edition is a music video game published and developed by Pentavision for the PlayStation Portable. This is the third title for the PlayStation Portable from in the DJMax Portable series, after DJMax Portable 2. It is DJMax Portable mainly using songs from Clazziquai. This version includes new...
DJMax Portable 2 is a music video game published and developed by Pentavision, for the PlayStation Portable. This is the second installment of the DJMax Portable series for the PlayStation Portable. DJMax Portable 2 contains new songs, new difficulties, new modes, as well as a few original soundtracks from DJMax...
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is an enhanced remake of the 1995 Super NES game Tactics Ogre. It has improved 3D graphics and special effects, new characters and branching storylines. The game pre-order came with Tarot Cards with illustrations from Akihiko Yoshida. The land of Valeria is in a...
A standalone expansion to Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, mainly focused on multiplayer. A single player mode called Infinity Mission was included, but has no story. There are also new missions and tutorials for beginners. With up to 6 players via WiFi, new characters including Old Snake from Metal Gear...