DYNASTY WARRIORS 8 Empires is the latest installment of the "Empires" series, in which you aim to conquer ancient China using both strategy and the one warrior versus one thousand tactical action the WARRIORS series is known for. The player becomes a hero from Three Kingdoms era, with the goal...
BEN 10 Galactic Racing presents the ultimate racing experience! While Ben makes use of his Ultimatrix to transform into his alien forms mid-race, every other character utilizes their unique special abilities, based on powers straight out of the television series, to affect the outcome of each race. All characters can...
A mysterious illness suddenly broke out in girls in their teens and twenties, enhancing them mentally and granting them the ability to change their bodies into highly lethal weapons. The cause of the illness was a virus, currently classified into two types: the "A-Virus" and "V-Virus". The world government enacted...
Gamicademi– a learning facility located in a quiet town within Gamindustri. This historical academy is renown for educating CPUs in the ways of human life and culture. Despite its accolades, the school faced the threat of closure due to the world's population crisis. Against all odds, Blanc and a few...
A mystical phenomenon transports the girls of Senran Kagura: Estival Versusto to a parallel dimension to face off against their rivals in a new kind of battle. In this strange world – which resembles a sunny, sandy island paradise – the girls are thrown for another loop as they encounter...
The fluttering Sakura. Spring - a season of blessing for new encounters. Chizuru Yukimura knocks on the gates of a private academy, which has always been a boys' school. However, as of this year, Hakuou Academy opens its gates to co-education and Chizuru is the only female student enrolled. Thus...
Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada is an adventure based on the heroic legend of the Sanada Clan, a cunning group of warriors from Sengoku Era Japan who believed in survival at all costs. The tale of the Sanada Clan begins with patriarch Masayuki Sanada, a much-requested character who joins the...
A side-scrolling shoot-'em-up, Gate of Thunder asks players to take control of the space-craft "Hunting Dog". You fly left-to-right mostly, with occasional vertically-scrolling sections, and use several different weapon styles to defeat your many foes. Along with Esty in her ship the "Wild Cat", you must defeat the forces of...
In the new future, everyone's mental state and disposition can now be quantified. Everything from emotional tendencies to criminal behavior are recorded and utilized as a guideline to lead everyone to the good life: not only pursuing happiness, but attaining it. Needless to say, the public was excited to begin...
Downwell is a curious game about a young person venturing down a well in search of untold treasures with only his Gunboots for protection. Make your way further and further down into the darkness filled with nasty creatures and mysterious secrets to collect the spectacular red gems scattered about the...
Set in Japan's Sengoku Era, you wake up in the mysterious land of Arcanus Cella where the souls of the dead gather as they await reincarnation. However, some souls have unfinished business that needs to be settled before they can reincarnate. As the player, you will assist these souls by...
A doomed sailor is shipwrecked on an uncharted island. In fog-shrouded valleys, where grinning, mossy corpses cling to rusted arms, shambling figures begin to stir. Beneath crumbling, salt-worn structures, labyrinthine passageways lead to unspeakable evil, long forgotten by man. Salt and Sanctuary seamlessly combines fast, brutal, and complex 2D combat...
Hope’s Peak Academy — home to the nation’s best and brightest high school students… and your new prison. You and your classmates have been trapped here, forced into a winner-takes-all killing game. You’ll have to solve the mystery of the school to survive, but be careful what you wish for...
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception is a grand tale that will enchant the hearts and minds of players as it takes them on an incredible journey. With a beautiful visual novel story experience, intriguing characters, fast-paced SRPG combat, world-class soundtrack, and more, the game is the perfect escape for adventure gamers!...
VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action is a booze em' up about waifus, technology, and post-dystopia life. In this world, corporations reign supreme, all human life is infected with nanomachines designed to oppress them, and the terrifying White Knights ensure that everyone obeys the laws. But, this is not about those...
Jutlands elite soldiers, the Vanargand, must band together to defeat the Ruzi Empire and stop death itself - the Valkyria. This grizzled anti-Valkyria squad is equipped with advanced mana weaponry and has the powerful ability to wield ragnite spells to combat this terrifying threat. The unit is comprised of soldiers...
Akiba's Beat is an action role-playing video game for the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4. It is the third entry in the Akiba series, after the Japan-only Akiba's Trip for PlayStation Portable and the worldwide release Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed, though it is the first entry that plays as...
FIFA 13 captures all the drama and unpredictability of real-world soccer, and is driven by five game-changing innovations which revolutionize artificial intelligence, dribbling, ball control and physical play. It is the largest and deepest feature set in the history of the franchise. These innovations create a true battle for possession...
Lara Croft GO is a turn based puzzle-adventure set in a long-forgotten world. Explore the ruins of an ancient civilization, discover well-kept secrets and face deadly challenges as you uncover the myth of the Queen of Venom. Following the award-winning Hitman GO, Square Enix Montréal brings yet another beloved franchise...
Shütshimi is a randomized shoot'em up about a muscle-bound fish with memory problems defending the seven seas. Armed with your trusty bullet-morphing shotgun, defeat or navigate through waves of enemies and collect powerups as you battle your way through each of the game's bosses. But there's a catch (there's always...
An RPG in which Kanata and others have been imbued with pieces of the dark god Yamatoga’s soul, and are sent to Protolexa, for reasons unbeknownst to them. Battle enemies and the armies of Chasseur as you search out for your other teammates, complete quests and side events, and learn...
In the original four panel comic, the main character Cocoa arrives at the cafe Rabbit House one day, excited for rabbits. She actually all but lives in that café. She meets lots of different girls there, including a tiny and cool girl named Chino, a tough and soldier-esque girl named...
There never quite seem to be enough bunny girls in the world, so here is another for you aficionados out there. This 2D sidescrolling exploration platformer follows the adventure of Erina, whose humdrum life as a regular rabbit is turned upside-down when she finds herself in an unknown world and...
Uncanny Valley is a survival horror game that includes a mix of exploration, puzzle solving and a bit of action with a lot of optional story content. You play as a security guard named Tom at a remote facility. He's in charge of the night shift, while his lazy partner...
F1 2011 is the sequel to the BAFTA-winning F1 2010 video game from Codemasters. F1 2011 features all the official drivers, teams, and circuits in the 2011 FIA Formula One World Championship. Multiplayer has been revamped from the options available in F1 2010. You can race split-screen for the first...