Backwards Compatible Title. Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack is a sci-fi puzzle-platformer of cataclysmic proportions! You’re an ill-tempered blob that grows in size by swallowing everything in its path. Evolve from a tiny captive into a world-eating giant. Gain freakish abilities like magnetism, telekinesis, and rocket boosting. Use your...
Backwards Compatible Title. There is nothing fair, honorable, or just about combat. There is only winning and losing—the dead and the living. In Ghost Recon Future Soldier join an elite team of highly trained, cut-throat special-ops soldiers. Armed to the teeth with unrivalled combat technology and cutting-edge military hardware, Ghost...
Backwards Compatible Title. Spec Ops: The Line is a provocative and gripping third-person modern military shooter that challenges players' morality by putting them in the middle of unspeakable situations where unimaginable choices affecting human life must be made. Spec Ops: The Line unfolds within the destroyed opulence of Dubai. Once...
Backwards Compatible Title. A new breed of Warrior returns, committed to destroying the enemies of Freedom! No-nonsense hero Marlow never shied away from danger or trouble. But now he faces his ultimate challenge. Blasting into Central America, he has an industrial evil to defeat whilst bound to an ancient Mayan...
Backwards Compatible Title. What a bad time to wake up from a long sleep. Gnarl, your minion master decided to interrupt your peaceful sleep because your predecessor screwed up big time. He not only let himself killed by some "heroes" but he also let them wreck and plunder the Dark...
Backwards Compatible Title. Taking place in the fictional city of New Detroit, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is a completely new game that takes on the concept of Earth Defense Force 2017. Insect Armageddon continues to follow the rich history of casual fun and addictive gameplay that made the franchise...
Backwards Compatible Title. You are Sergeant Rex Colt: Mark IV Cyber Commando. The year is 2007 and Earth has been ravaged by a nuclear war which erupted in the 90's. The east vs. west conflict has raged for generations, and humanity continues to struggle to progress after a disastrous decade....
Backwards Compatible Title. MX vs. ATV Reflex marks the highly anticipated return of the best-selling off-road racing franchise and features the all-new Rhythm Racing 2.0 physics engine, Rider Reflex control system and real-time terrain deformation. The Rider Reflex control system provides unparalleled precision and fluidity by separating machine steering from...
Backwards Compatible Title. Split/Second, an intense action racing game set within the world of a hyper-competitive reality television show. Competitors vie to be the first across the finish line in a made-for-TV city built for destruction, with the ultimate goal of becoming the season champion. Competitors in Split/Second don't just...
Backwards Compatible Title. Scarygirl (also stylized as ScaryGirl) is an adventure-platformer video game for the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation 3's PlayStation Network and the personal computer. Prior to being adapted as a console and PC game, Scarygirl was a graphic novel by Nathan Jurevicius, a Flash game and...
Backwards Compatible Title. Puzzlegeddon features an inventive mix of puzzle, action and strategy. Select your island of choice and puzzle for resources to defend yourself and to defeat opponents throughout the many galaxies, game modes and challenges which awaits you in Puzzlegeddon.
Backwards Compatible Title. Sonic and the All-Stars cast line up on the starting grid once again to battle for supremacy in the ultimate race. Compete across land, water and air in incredible transforming vehicles that change from cars to boats to planes mid-race. Master your driving skills as you drift,...
Backwards Compatible Title. Bully is a subtle action-adventure open world video game set in a school environment. The player takes control of teenage rebel James "Jimmy" Hopkins, who from the opening cutscene is revealed to be a difficult student with a disruptive background. The game concerns the events that follow...
Backwards Compatible Title. A must-have for Tekken aficionados, TEKKEN 6 sees the return of many familiar faces as well as new characters to create the largest line-up the series has ever seen. With a growing roster of fighters, each equipped with their own deadly techniques, moves and attack combinations, TEKKEN...
Backwards Compatible Title. Omega Five is the first true next-gen, high-definition shooter, with the most awe-inspiring graphics around! As you fly through entirely dangerous 3D environments in this side-scroller, enemies come at you from all sides, even the background! Grab an extra controller, choose your merc, and engage in 2-player...
Backwards Compatible Title. Catherine is an erotic horror puzzle-platformer adventure video game developed and published by Atlus for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game is Atlus’ first internally-developed game for seventh-generation consoles in high definition, described as an 'erotic' and 'adult-oriented' title by the game's character designer, Shigenori...
Backwards Compatible Title. Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 features a light-gun called the Fearmaster, which comes equipped with both a heart monitor and motion sensor. During intense outings in the wilderness, the sensors will detect the player's fear and will make them less accurate and precise in the game.
Backwards Compatible Title. GripShift is a driving game that combines racing, stunts, and puzzles. You can play single-player on more than 100 maps in both race mode or in one of the eight bonus games. GripShift also includes wireless multiplayer so you can challenge other racers to head-to-head matches with...
Backwards Compatible Title. Fable Heroes is a hack and slash adventure game set in the Fable Universe, the player plays as one of 12 characters from across the 4 Fable Games and are presented in a Hero Doll Form which are a recognisable item from the series. The game features...
Backwards Compatible Title. FunTown Mahjong brings the traditional Chinese board game to Xbox 360, with a well-balanced design and unique style that is sure to keep you coming back for more. Play against friends over Xbox LIVE, or take on the challenge of the A.I. opponents. With a tutorial for...
Backwards Compatible Title. Castle Crashers is set in a fictional medieval universe. It begins with four knights attending a party in a king's castle. During the party a dark wizard arrives, stealing a floating mystical gem and capturing four princesses. The king sends the four knights to retrieve the gem,...
Backwards Compatible Title. North America, 18th century. Amid the chaos and violence of the French and Indian War, Shay Patrick Cormac, a fearless young member of the Assassin Brotherhood, undergoes a dark transformation that will forever shape the future of the colonies. After a dangerous mission goes tragically wrong, Shay...
Backwards Compatible Title. Set in the fictional city of Stilwater, players control the same nameless protagonist, who has survived the yacht explosion from the first game, and leads the Third Street Saints gang. Assisted by the gang, the protagonist seeks to eliminate three rival gangs who have formed during the...
Backwards Compatible Title. Supreme Commander 2 takes place 25 years after the events of Supreme Commander. The three opposing sides - the Cybran Nation, the Illuminates and the United Earth Federation - are still fighting in the Infinite War all across the galaxy, spreading chaos and unrest with the player...
Backwards Compatible Title. The Legos strike back in the sequel to the original LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, where players now get to explore the original trilogy (Episodes IV, V, and VI) of the Star Wars movie series. Players use LEGO-ized Star Wars characters to reenact all three of...