Backwards Compatible Title. In the sequel to the top-down scrolling shooter Assault Heroes players must fight hordes of enemies and huge bosses in an armored jeep. This time around there is also access to enemy vehicles such as helicopters and tanks which provide extra firepower in difficult situations. Fighting on...
Backwards Compatible DLC. In Dungeon Siege III: Treasures of the Sun, players will extend their journey and travel beyond the borders of Ehb to an all-new environment: the Aranoi Desert. On their search for a lost Legion hero, players will fight through hordes of new villains only to find a...
Backwards Compatible Title. Torn asunder, the delicate balance of power between the kingdom of Ehb's powerful factions has fallen apart. As one of the few remaining members of the disgraced protectors of the land, the 10th Legion, it is up to you to rebuild the once great Legion and prevent...
Backwards Compatible Title. Dare to be scared! After 30 years, Atari's classic groundbreaking game is back - with all-new scream-worthy chills and thrills! With spooky enemies lurking around every corner, are you brave enough to enter the Haunted House? KEY FEATURES: *Explore the dark depths of Graves Mansion - find...
Backwards Compatible Title. Prince of Persia Classic is a remake of the original 1989 title, often referred to as THE game that kick-started the platforming genre. This new version features updated character designs, animations, visuals, and lighting effects, all transforming the game into a fresh, close to 3-dimensional look. New...
Backwards Compatible Title. Rage is a first-person shooter video game developed by id Software. It uses the company's new OpenGL based id Tech 5 engine. The game was first shown as a tech demo on June 11, 2007 at Apple's Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), and was officially announced on...
Backwards Compatible Title. Become Selena, loving mother, devoted wife and -- powerful werewolf. Take revenge on the monsters that have slain your husband and stolen your child, in this love letter to classic platformers. Seamlessly transform from human to werewolf in light of the moon, as you shoot, slash and...
Rain on Your Parade is a slapstick comedy game where you play as a mischievous cloud determined to ruin everybody's day. Play across a wide range of levels while unlocking new abilities and mechanics that get progressively more ridiculous. Travel across the world, inventing new ways of causing chaos and...
Backwards Compatible DLC. The legendary pirate Dead Kel and his Hanged Men have returned to haunt the seas of northern Amalur. Embark on a journey to the distant island of Gallows End with the eccentric Captain Brattigan in an adventure that will uncover a secret so great that it has...
Backwards Compatible DLC. For decades the Kollossae, a proud people of faith and large stature, have wandered the face of Amalur in pursuit of the destiny that is due to them, but all does not appear right. Upon your expedition to Teeth of Naros, Secandra and her band of Kollossae...
Backwards Compatible Title. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an action RPG set in the fantasy world Amalur, which is divided into several kingdoms. It was once a peaceful world until Gadflow, the new king of the Winter Court of the magical Faelands kingdom, marched with his followers – the Tuatha...
Backwards Compatible Title. DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, the sequel to DeathSpank, is an action role-playing game, and includes new environments, modernized weapons, increased boss fights, and a new multiplayer character. The game is the second of a two-part series, and the story begins immediately after the end of the first...
Backwards Compatible Title. Developed by 5pb, the newest iteration of the popular visual novel adventure Steins;Gate is an open book ready for those who prefer the engrossing pace of a good read and spectacular voice acting. Steins;Gate: Senkei Kousoku no Phenogram embarks on new emotional territory. You followed Okarin through...
Backwards Compatible Title. Rayman Origins is a comic adventure set in a lush 2D world brimming with unexpected secrets and outlandish enemies. The Glade of Dreams is overrun by the "nefurrious" Darktoons. The Fairy Council seeks Rayman's help to save the day. Rayman receives the aid of his best friend...
Backwards Compatible Title. Cabela’s Survival: Shadows of Katmai puts you face to face with the unforgiving forces of nature! A strikingly deep storyline is riddled with harrowing challenges of extreme survival. Test your instinct while scavenging for gear and hunting for your food. Be prepared to face non-stop challenges and...
Backwards Compatible Title. Fret Nice harmonizes the unity between music and the 2D platformer. As you control your character through the artful stages, you play the game as if it were a jammin' rock song. Rock out by blasting enemies with riff combos and creating your own soundtracks with each...
Backwards Compatible Title. After the death of his mother, Tomoya Okazaki—a guarded delinquent student at Hikarizaka High School—struggles to not only make sense of the abusive relationship he has with his alcoholic father, but also find meaning in his life. While on his way to class one morning, he meets...
Backwards Compatible Title. In Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII, players test their air-combat skills as they experience the most famous battles of World War II. As a squadron leader, players can fly up to 38 WWII aircraft in both single-player and multiplayer missions. The game features squadron-based combat, in which...
Backwards Compatible Title. When a Mexican drug cartel bombs a U.S. law enforcement agency, the U.S. government puts together a special task force to bring them down. Play as Ben McCall, a brutal LAPD cop and descendent of Ray McCall, or Eddie Guerra, a DEA agent with a chronic-gambling habit,...
Backwards Compatible Title. Feel the power of new turbocharged FORMULA ONE cars in the most accessible FORMULA 1 video game yet, including a new driver evaluation system to adjust the game to your level, shorter career options and new Very Easy mode. F1 2014 features all the cars, drivers and...
Backwards Compatible Title. Team up with up to three of your friends and prepare yourselves for intense side-scrolling, sci-fi shooting action in Aegis Wing. It is set in the year 2105, when humanity must flee a dying Earth for the distant world Europa. But this new home is soon threatened...
Backwards Compatible Title. Fire up the fun as Codemasters reboots the classic table top racing experience in Toybox Turbos! Collect and customize 35 vehicles in this pick-up-and-play arcade racer. Take on 18 obstacle and short-cut filled circuits built for chaotic, combative competition speed past spilt sticky jam on the kitchen...
Backwards Compatible Title. Space Giraffe is an abstract action arcade style game that takes place in a succession of beautiful environments generated by an advanced graphics synthesizer. It presents itself as a shooter but the more you play the more you discover the hidden depths and strategies that make the...
Backwards Compatible Title. Silent Hill: Downpour is a survival horror video game developed by Vatra Games and published by Konami Digital Entertainment. The eighth installment in the Silent Hill video game series, Downpour was released in March 2012. Set in the series' multiverse, which consists of reality and an alternate...
Backwards Compatible Title. The second installment in the RPG saga about the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, features a thoroughly engrossing, mature storyline defining new standards for thought-provoking, non-linear game narration. In addition to an epic story, the game features an original, brutal combat system that uniquely combines tactical elements with...