Backwards Compatible Title. Super Meat Boy is a platform game in which players control a small, dark red, cube-shaped character named Meat Boy, who must save his girlfriend Bandage Girl from Dr. Fetus. The game is divided into chapters, which together contain over 300 levels. Players attempt to reach the...
Backwards Compatible Title. Shred Nebula combines the best elements of arcade space-shooter action with free-roaming exploration and multiplayer excitement. Pilot the experimental R.I.P. Rocket through the galaxy in search of the Lost Expeditions ... no ship has ever returned from the vastness of interstellar space! This top-down, fast-paced ship-combat game...
Backwards Compatible Title. The legend is back! Tecmo Bowl Throwback is a remake of the classic Tecmo Super Bowl, with the same rules and fast-paced gameplay as the original, but with the option to play it in brand new high-definition 3-D graphics. Switch it back to old school in real...
Backwards Compatible Title. Developed by Black Rock Studio, Disney Interactive Studios' award-winning development studio in Brighton, England, Pure takes off-road racing to a new level. Featuring vertigo-inducing massive aerial jumps and spectacular airborne tricks in photo-realistic real-world locations all over the globe, Pure delivers heart-pounding experiences unique to the genre.
Backwards Compatible Title. After repeated D-mail experiments, Okarin jumps to a world where 3% shift in world line was to be expected. And before he knew it, Kurisu as well as the rest of the members have been gathered and amidst preparations for a banquet. In this world, a new...
Backwards Compatible Title. Silent Hill HD Collection is a collection containing HD ports of Silent Hill 2 & Silent Hill 3. The ports feature new voice-overs, as well as PlayStation Network Trophies and Xbox 360 Achievements. Players have the option to switch between the old and new voice-overs for Silent...
Backwards Compatible Title. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is the sequel to the 2007 game Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. This time the player takes on the role of the medicated psychopath, Lynch. The setting is moved to Shanghai, where Lynch has moved to and has set up an...
Backwards Compatible Title. Security systems have failed and the creatures of the park roam free. Now, a rogue corporation will stop at nothing to acquire the dinosaur embryos stolen and lost by Dennis Nedry. Experience a brand new adventure set during the events of the first Jurassic Park movie and...
Backwards Compatible DLC. Argul's Tomb is a new gameplay zone, which includes two challenging new dungeons, new enemies to best and unique legendary loot to collect. Tailored towards players that have finished at least the first three zones of the main game, Argul's Tomb adds an additional challenge for gamers...
Backwards Compatible DLC. The Abyssal Forge is a living machine designed to harness the unfocussed dark power of the Abyss and create the most powerful legendary weapons. The Maker who built this abomination, known only as the Mad Smith, was shunned by his own people and sealed away in the...
Backwards Compatible Title. Darksiders II is an action-adventure-action role-playing. Players take control of Death, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Core gameplay is a third-person hack and slash action-adventure game with role-playing elements. The game makes frequent use of interactive puzzle elements, requiring the player to think their...
Backwards Compatible Title. R.U.S.E. is a one-of-a-kind real-time strategy game that allows players to bluff their enemies to lead their nation to victory, controlling the action using views that range seamlessly from the heart of the battlefield to the full theatre of war. Players will be plunged into the action...
Backwards Compatible Title. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare arms gamers with an arsenal of advanced and powerful modern day firepower and transports them to the most treacherous hotspots around the globe to take on a rogue enemy group threatening the world. As both a U.S. Marine and British S.A.S....
Backwards Compatible Title. The year is 1938. James Lee Quatermain, great-grandson of the world-famous adventurer Allan Quatermain, is a man of many talents, yet holding on to money isn’t one of them. Quatermain isn’t all too keen on escorting Jennifer Goodwin, a US agent and former colleague of his, to...
Backwards Compatible Title. Doritos Crash Course is a fast-paced, funny, obstacle course game show for your Avatar to compete against your friends and family over XboxLive. Play through 15 exciting platformer levels across 3 different countries. Compete against your friends and family up to four players over Xbox LIVE and...
Backwards Compatible Title. Midnight Club: Los Angeles is the fourth video game in the Midnight Club series of racing video games. It was officially announced for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on January 11, 2008 by Rockstar Games. The game was developed by Rockstar San Diego. The game features...
Backwards Compatible Title. Silent Hill: Homecoming is the sixth entry of the Silent Hill series. This time around the player takes control of a new protagonist by the name of Alex Shepherd who returns to his hometown of Shepherd's Glen and learns of the disappearance of his younger brother, his...
Backwards Compatible Title. Board your Virtualoid, grab hold of your BFG Bot Blaster and prepare for war in an ultra-violent, post-modern free-for-all straight out of the arcade. It's Armageddon on your home turf as 50-foot cyborg mercenaries await your arrival in a 360-degree, polygon-perfect Arena of Doom. And the only...
Backwards Compatible Title. Small Arms is the frantic multiplayer brawling game with the action and precision of an arcade shooter. Up to 4 players can join in the battles across many dynamic and richly detailed levels. Choose from a cast of awesome fighters like cyborg tabby cats, assassin truffle pigs...
Backwards Compatible Title. Originally crowned as a top contender in the fighting game genre with the release of KOF 98, this full upgrade to the second entry in the KOF Ultimate Match series, KOF 2002 is widely considered to be the ultimate KOF. Based on the KOF NESTS compilation originally...
This platformer takes you on a surreal trip through a twisted virtual network. Uncover the secrets this world tries to hide from you: an artificial intelligence named "Fumiko"! Fumiko! combines rewarding exploration with a new approach to 3D platforming. You'll quickly be unbound from gravity. No jump will be too...
In Radio Commander you are playing as an American military commander serving in US Army during the Vietnam War. This is not just another RTS, in which you are an invisible being hovering over the battlefield. In Radio Commander situation reports are given to you in form of dramatic radio...
Backwards Compatible DLC. The Saints' biggest fan, Jimmy Torbitson, has created a clone of Johnny Gat for personal reasons. It only turns out his experiment went terribly wrong and the clone, looking like a brute, goes rampage in the city. The Saints must stop de clone before it destroys the...
Backwards Compatible DLC. The player is invited to star as the main character a new movie about aliens and space. Accepting the invitation, they player quickly finds themselves at an set where they free the alien princess Kwilanna, played by Jenny. Hilariously, even though Jenny is a great actor, she...
Backwards Compatible DLC. Professor Genki returns with his madness filled Genkibowl. Four new events are added to the Genkibowl experience: Apocalypse Genki, a Genkibowl where the player has to fight mascots within jungles Sad Panda Skyblazing, an event where the player has to travel from skyscraper to skyscraper through bouncing...