Backwards Compatible Title. TimeShift challenges players to use their minds along with their weapons to battle enemies and solve complex gameplay puzzles. TimeShift changes the fundamental way gamers think about first-person shooters by using the fourth dimension: time itself. TimeShift empowers players with the gift of time manipulation, including the...
Backwards Compatible Title. The world of Gran Pulse is sinking into the sea and what remains is now called Nova Chrysalia. With only thirteen days remaining until the end of the world, Chaos reigns in a world that never ages. New life cannot be born. People need salvation. As Lightning,...
Backwards Compatible Title. A millennium has passed since Alis defeated the ultimate evil in the first Phantasy Star. The planet Motavia of the Algol solar system is no longer the antlion-plagued desert: humans have constructed a sentient computer called "Mother Brain", which could regulate the climate of the planet, turning...
Backwards Compatible Title. With the military detained and the planet in serious peril, two brothers vow to find and destroy the evil power that now threatens Gunstar 9. If they succeed they shall go down in history as Gunstar Heroes! If they fail... Gunstar 9 shall perish. Explosive 2-player action....
Backwards Compatible Title. An extension of the world's premier trading card game, Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers brings a pulse-pounding mix of strategic thinking, fantastic artwork, and arcade-style. Experience an epic game of fantasy and strategy, as never before, when you take on the mantle of a...
Backwards Compatible Title. Master strategy in the medieval world! In the classic board game Carcassonne, the medieval countryside thrives as you and your opponents place tiles and complete towns, roads, and farms while competing to amass the most points. Own the largest towns, longest roads, and biggest farms.
Backwards Compatible Title. It's tough to be a frog! Life isn't all lazy days and lily pads--it abounds with dangers. Can you help Frogger survive some perils and spring him home to safety? First hop your frogs across a busy highway. Then cross a raging river to reach the safety...
Backwards Compatible Title. The classic Arkanoid comes back to life in HD! Destroy every block on screen in Arkanoid Live! by bouncing an Energy Ball against them with your Vaus! It's the all-time classic arcade game now with achievements and multiplayer co-op play over Xbox LIVE.
Backwards Compatible Title. Killer Is Dead is a 2013 action video game developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and published by Kadokawa Games in Japan, Xseed Games in North America and Deep Silver in Europe. It stars an executioner named Mondo Zappa. Suda 51 serves as executive director on the game. Killer...
Backwards Compatible Title. The Darkness is a first-person shooter based on the Top Cow comic of the same name. Jackie Estacado, a Mafia hit man in modern New York City, becomes possessed by an ancient evil on his 21st birthday. The curse has been passed down through the generations in...
Backwards Compatible Title. Sonic Adventure 2 is a platform game developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. It is the sequel to Sonic Adventure. It is the seventh chronological installment in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It follows the protagonist team of Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna, and...
Backwards Compatible Title. Join Sonic and friends as they embark on their first truly epic quest to stop Dr. Eggman's most villainous scheme in the hit Dreamcast title Sonic Adventure now available on the Xbox Live. An ancient evil lurking within the Master Emerald has been unleashed from its slumber...
Backwards Compatible Title. Hardwood Backgammon is an electronic conversion the Backgammon board game. It stays true to the original game, but offers a few options to alter the rules, such as determining the number of match points to win the game (with a maximum of 129 points) or disallowing use...
Backwards Compatible Title. A High Voltage Software developed compilation of PS2 games Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, featuring 720p HD visuals and Achievement/Trophy support. Both games will also feature improved audio, widescreen support and will run at 60fps. A brand new opening animation...
Backwards Compatible Title. Blast away at enemies with 360 degrees of movement and targetting (via the dual stick control set-up on the Xbox pad) in this throwback shooter game. Return to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, where hordes of evil, neon shapes await! Green squares evade your fire; purple...
Backwards Compatible Title. The game starts off looking like the classic Space Invaders, but as you play through the game, it evolves. Unlock new stages, new power ups, and new features. In addition to Normal Mode, Challenge Mode pits you against 99 randomly-created stages. And Music Mode generates custom stages...
Backwards Compatible Title. In Virtua Fighter 2, the intrepid fighters return to the World Fighting Tournament. Take to the stage to see who will claim the championship title. Will it be Lau Chan, Kage-Maru, Wolf Hawkfield, Jeffry McWild, Akira Yuki, Jacky Bryant, Sarah Bryant, or Pai Chan? The answer lies...
Backwards Compatible Title. QIX++ is a remake of the game QIX that now includes high definition graphics. The object of the game is to defeat the "QIX" using the user controlled marker to cut off more than 75% of the playing area. Once the 75% of the playing area is...
Backwards Compatible Title. The story of Radiant Silvergun begins with the end of the world. As the pilot of the starfighter Radiant Silvergun you are sent back in time in search of the key to save the planet. In various time periods you will battle hordes of enemies in search...
Backwards Compatible Title. Sparkster makes his triumphant arrival on next-gen platforms with Rocket Knight, the newest chapter in the classic side-scrolling rocket action series. Our favorite opossum hero returns home after 15 years to find the kingdom of Zephyrus in shambles. Use your wits and Sparkster’s trusty rocket pack to...
Backwards Compatible Title. Face a greater challenge with Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013! In the latest version of this hit franchise, play with friends or the AI as you travel across fantastic planes, take on new encounters and opponents, solve challenging puzzles, and face up to...
Backwards Compatible Title. Hardwood Hearts, where breaking hearts is just part of the game.Hardwood Hearts breathes new life into your favorite card game with excellent graphics. Enjoy calming Hearts playing environments with ocean waves breaking in the distance.Play with players from around the world or with family and friends.Check out...
Backwards Compatible Title. The much anticipated sequel to the #1 casual game of 2005, LUXOR 2 sets the new standard for action-puzzlers. LUXOR 2 takes you on a beautiful voyage through 88 all-new, gorgeously rendered levels set amongst the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Use your mystical winged scarab to shoot...
Backwards Compatible Title. Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 (referred to in shorthand as DotP 2014 or Magic 2014) is a video game based on the popular collectible card game of the same name, first published by Wizards of the Coast in 1993. It is the fourth...
Backwards Compatible Title. The Sonic 4 Saga continues in Episode II with the return of a beloved side kick and fan-favorite villains! Following the events of Episode I, Metal Sonic has returned to form a formidable alliance with Dr. Eggman! To face this new evil, Sonic will have to call...