
Xbox Series X/S


Backwards Compatible Title. Bloodforge is a dark and brutal action combat game set in an ancient Celtic world. The fate of the ruling gods will be decided at the hands of one man - our hero, Crom. With an empowering brutal combat system, stunning standout art style, driven by a...

Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3

Backwards Compatible Title. One of the most popular arcade shooters is back! Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 revives the classic Commando franchise with an all-new adventure. Fight solo or recruit two other specialized commandos to defeat the evil tyrant General Ratiev. This frantic war-fest combines precise, old-school gameplay with...

Lumines Live!

Backwards Compatible Title. Lumines Live! is the Xbox Live Arcade version of the popular PSP launch title, Lumines: Puzzle Fusion. The basic idea of the game is to shift and align 2x2 squares of colored tiles into a wide bin. When you create a square or rectangle 2x2 or larger...

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

Backwards Compatible Title. Duke Nukem is back with new weapons, more enemies, and one-liners. Set in New York City, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project follows Duke as he battles his way across towering skyscraper rooftops and through gritty subway tunnels in the hunt for power-hungry villain Mech Morphix. The game throws...


Backwards Compatible Title. Guwange is 2D vertically scrolling shoot'em up played with a character moving on foot. The game takes place during the Muromachi period in Japan with strong fantasy elements. The shikigami demons possess the people and give them great opportunities, but they die after exactly one year. Three...

LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues

Backwards Compatible Title. Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues is a 2009 video game developed by Traveller's Tales and published by LucasArts. It is the sequel to the 2008 game, Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. The game allows gamers to play all four cinematic adventures, including the latest...

Discs of Tron Alternative Titles: Discs of TRON

Backwards Compatible Title. In Discs of Tron, players face off in a three-dimensional arena against the film's villain, Sark, as they throw discs to try to knock him off of a platform or "derezz" him with a disc while he counters. The game, which includes both classic and enhanced modes,...

Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 Alternative Titles: Magic 2012

Backwards Compatible Title. All-new and redesigned, Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 takes last year's massive hit game to even greater heights with better graphics, more options, and new challenges! Face off against the AI, or gather your allies for the new multiplayer format: Archenemy, where you...


A long time ago, two races ruled peacefully over the Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. One day, a terrible war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magical spell. In the year 201X, a small child scales...

Frogger 2

Backwards Compatible Title. Hop along with Frogger 2 as you travel through more than 15 challenging levels filled with new enemies and obstacles. Each of the five exotic environments provides a new set of challenges, but beware of the bosses that try to thwart your progress. Compete with up to...


Backwards Compatible Title. Prey is a first-person shooter video game developed by Human Head Studios, under contract for 3D Realms, and published by 2K Games, the Xbox 360 version was ported by Venom Games. The game was initially released in North America and Europe on 11 July 2006. Prey uses...

Brain Challenge

Backwards Compatible Title. Brain Challenge is the easy, entertaining way to keep your brain alert! Choose a coach and start a mental training program. Twenty different games in five categories provide fun exercises that never repeat. Challenge yourself, relax with your favorite exercise, or be creative. Improve your mental capacity,...

Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram Alternative Titles: 電脳戦機バーチャロン オラトリオ・タングラム M.S.B.S. Ver.5.45

Backwards Compatible Title. The game is set in the distant future where a mysterious gate has been discovered and has been used to create massive battlesuits known as Virtuaroids. There are nine plants linked to the gate. Their owner has mysteriously disappeared and has given two rival corporations ownership of...

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game

Backwards Compatible Title. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game is a video game in the Lego video game franchise, developed by Traveller's Tales and published by Disney Interactive Studios and the first Lego game from a Disney movie. Released in May 2011 to coincide with the release of...

Cars 2 Alternative Titles: Cars 2: The Video Game

Backwards Compatible Title. Based on Pixar's computer animated film, Cars 2 follows the exploits of car characters Lightning McQueen and Mater as they train in a secret facility known as CHROME, short for Command Headquarters for Recon Operations and Motorized Espionage. They are joined by Finn McMissile and Holley Shiftwell...

Sonic Unleashed: Spagonia Adventure Pack

Backwards Compatible DLC. Download an all-new Spagonia adventure! Play four daytime & two nighttime levels from a beautiful area filled with cobble stoned streets, outdoor cafes, red-rooftops and old buildings rich with history. This pack includes three brand new stages and three new missions. Be sure and download the other...

Sonic Unleashed: Mazuri Adventure Pack

Backwards Compatible DLC. Download an all-new Mazuri adventure! From tree-tops to sand-stone structures, four daytime & two nighttime stages await you in this exotic town built on reddish-brown soil. This pack includes three brand new stages and three new missions. Be sure and download the other location packs to unleash...

Sonic Unleashed: Empire City & Adabat Adventure Pack

Backwards Compatible DLC. Download all-new Empire City & Adabat adventures! For the final downloadable pack, play four daytime & four nighttime stages that range from a high-rise metropolis to an exotic jungle strewn with ancient ruins. This pack includes three brand new stages and three new missions. Be sure and...

Sonic Unleashed: Chun-nan Adventure Pack

Backwards Compatible DLC. Download an all-new Chun-nan adventure! Play four daytime & two nighttime stages from a mountainous region best known for its dragon roads and majestic peaks. This pack includes four brand new stages and two new missions. Note: These stages are accessed in Chun-nan, so unlocking Chun-nan is...

Sonic Unleashed: Apotos & Shamar Adventure Pack

Backwards Compatible DLC. Download all-new Apotos & Shamar adventures! Five daytime & four nighttime stages will take you through a quaint seaside town and ancient ruins in a desert oasis! This pack includes three brand new stages and six new missions. Be sure and download the other location packs to...

Sonic Unleashed: Holoska Adventure Pack

Backwards Compatible DLC. Download an all-new Holoska adventure! Covered in snow, this northern land dotted with houses made of ice will let you play four daytime & two nighttime stages, but be warned - you'll have to maneuver through some icy caverns and sharp icicles! This pack includes four brand...

Sonic Unleashed Alternative Titles: Sonic World Adventure

Backwards Compatible Title. Everyone's favorite hedgehog breaks new ground yet maintains his roots in a game that combines amazing next gen capabilities with classic Sonic 2D gameplay! Developed by renowned studio Sonic Team, Sonic Unleashed utilizes the powerful "Hedgehog Engine" to mesh seamless 3D and classic 2D camera transitions, whilst...

Blue Dragon

Backwards Compatible Title. Blue Dragon begins when the legendary purple clouds arrive in Talta Village, the home of Shu, Kluke, and Jiro. While the other villagers seek shelter, Shu and Jiro slow down the Land Shark. After encountering troubles, Kluke saves them. Together, the three trap the Land Shark in...


Backwards Compatible Title. In Joust, players take control of a knight with a lance who rides their flying ostrich to do battle against computer-controlled evil knights who ride atop vultures. Players must flap their steed's wings to hit the enemy from a higher jousting point to destroy the vulture and...


Backwards Compatible Title. You're Jo-Musashi, a mild-mannered martial arts instructor. But you have another job as well. When duty calls, you're a Master Ninja! Your mission: An evil terrorist network, the Ring of Five, has kidnapped the children of the world's leaders! You must get the hostages back... and defeat...

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