The main character, Hitomi Sakuragawa, was once a cute, beautiful girl, winning beauty contests in childhood. However, after losing to the temptation of junk food received from fans, she has steadily gained weight… until she reached 100 kg in her second year of high school. At the beginning of the...
Teen Titans, the popular TV show and DC comic, crosses to another medium as the five main characters undertake a video game-based adventure. All five main characters--Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven--use their powers to battle against the team's main archvillains. This action game lets you switch characters on...
X-Men Origins: Wolverine features a true-to-character Wolverine gameplay experience that takes gamers through and beyond the movie's storyline. Set in a variety of vivid real-world locales, the title challenges players to hone their animal instinct as they uncover hidden dangers, hunt and destroy enemies, and take on seemingly insurmountable situations...
An ancient Chinese Emperor will rise and the adventure of a lifetime will begin! Embark on an action-packed adventure set in the mythical world of the Rob Cohen film, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor movie. Play as Rick and Alex O'Connell in this quest to stop the powerful...
Master your surroundings: Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore. Explore epic and unknown worlds: Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles...
Galerians: Ash continues directly the story told in the first Galerians. Five hundred years into the future, an ultra-intelligent mother computer named Dorothy was given the responsibility of managing humans' lives. However, the computer's mind told her the humans must be destroyed as weak, imperfect beings, and a race of...
In TimeSplitters Future Perfect, victory is in the hands of the player's past, present, and future self in a battle that stretches throughout time where humanity is on the brink of destruction from the malevolent TimeSplitters. Cortez--the tough-as-nails hero from previous installments--finds himself in a frantic race against time in...
He might be small, but he's one angry Ninja. I-Ninja stars a consummate warrior who has spent years mastering his weapons and honing his skills. Challenged by the world's most wicked villain, Master O-Dor, and his menacing army of Ranx, the young ninja must now put his skills to use....
Players assume the role of a young girl named Lyra as she travels through the frozen wastes of the North in an attempt to rescue a friend kidnapped by a mysterious organization known as The Gobblers. Travelling with her are an armored polar bear and her pet demon Pantalaimon (Pan)....
Walt Disney Pictures' Chicken Little catapults players smack dab into the middle of Oakey Oaks, Chicken Little's hometown, where they experience first-hand all of the action, humor, fun and heart-warming adventure as portrayed in the film. Taking on the roles of Chicken Little and his friends Abby Mallard, Runt-of-the-Litter and...
Based on the 2007 live-action feature film, Transformers: The Game lets gamers control the outcome in the battle for Earth as they choose to protect it as Autobots or destroy it as Decepticons. Players experience the unstoppable power and massive scale of their favorite Robots in Disguise such as BumbleBee,...
Namco and Capcom team up for this crossover simulation RPG -- hence the title Namco X Capcom, pronounced in Japanese "Namco Cross Capcom." Both companies provide characters from their huge game catalogue, allowing the likes of Ryu, KOS-MOS, Gilgamesh, Lei-Lei and more to fight together. Stages begin with a dialogue...
Aqua Aqua known in Europe as Aqua Aqua: Wetrix 2, is a puzzle video game for the PlayStation 2 and is the sequel to game Wetrix. It offers fewer features than Wetrix, but it features improved graphics and a new story mode. The aim of the story mode is to...
Complete with a computer generated Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell, with trademark insults, American Idol is a music-based, rhythm-action game that will allow you to create, style, and train a contestant for the competition. Once styled and trained you'll see your contestant progress through the auditions, various heats,...
It's you against the mountain. SSX 3 challenges gamers to drop in and conquer a massive, living mountain rife with ego-crushing challenges and gravity-bending thrills. Sporting an all-new open-ended gameplay structure, gamers are free to ride anywhere gravity takes them, seamlessly boarding from one event to the next as they...
The dance floor kicks into overdrive with DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution. Packed with a smash-hit lineup of licensed music, all-new songs, exclusive songs for the U.S. and cool game modes, everybody will be movin' and groovin' to the pulsating beats. The latest installment of this highly anticipated series takes the...
Inspired by the "superhero movie within the movie" finale of the movie, Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action features Ace, the superhero alter ego of Chicken Little, and the Hollywood versions of his misfit band of friends: Runt, Abby and Fish-Out-of-Water. The crew of the intergalactic Battle Barn faces off...
ased on the Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media film capturing the renown and beloved book series from author C.S. Lewis. Players enter the world of Narnia, a land frozen in a 100 year winter by the evil powers of the malevolent and evil White Witch. In order to end...
The second chapter in the epic story of Middle-earth pits you against Sauron and the evil forces of Mordor. In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, you'll battle an army of 10,000 Uruk-Hai on the walls of Helm's Deep, hordes of Orcs on the plains of Rohan, and...
In The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, you can travel in the wake of the Fellowship while exploring your own path and periodically intersecting the major events of the film trilogy. Through both familiar and new locations, you must fight to save or destroy Middle-earth in an epic...
This 3D board game consists of a series of duels, which are played with cards. The game has been split up in a Campaign Mode, in which you take on all levels of the Monster Coliseum on your own, a Free Battle Mode where you play skirmish matches against enemies...
The evil Neo Cortex has turned the creatures of Crash's island into horrific mutations! But by using a whole arsenal of new combat moves Crash can hijack the monsters and gain control of their awesome powers. ● Hijack and battle titanic monsters! Don't beat 'em -- Jack 'em! Control, play...
Guide Frodo Baggins and the characters of The Fellowship of the Ring through the villages, countryside and dark forests of Middle Earth in the Fellowship's great quest to protect the ring. Meet all the characters of J.R.R. Tolkien's first book of The Lord of the Rings and share in their...
Star Wars Battlefront puts you in the heat of the action as you relive all of the intense battles from the classic and prequel eras of the Star Wars universe. You'll fight in more than 15 environments across 10 diverse planets, including Hoth, Geonosis, Yavin, Tatooine, and Naboo. You can...
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War is a flight action game from Namco that lets players take part in air battles between the two superpowers Osea and Yuktobania. After attempting intercept of an unidentified aircraft, most of the 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron was destroyed. As the base scrambles its defenses...