Prince of Persia is an action-adventure and platforming video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It is part of the Prince of Persia franchise. The game is set in ancient Persia, with a player-character whose name is not revealed in the game. He is accompanied by a...
God of War: Ascension is the seventh installment of the God of War series and serves as a prequel to the games. The player follows Kratos, the protagonist of the other games. When Kratos is tricked by his master, Ares, the god of war, into killing his own family, Kratos...
BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter video game and the third installment in the BioShock series. BioShock Infinite is not part of the storyline of previous BioShock games but features similar gameplay concepts and themes. Set in 1912 during the growth of American Exceptionalism, the game's protagonist, former Pinkerton agent...
Bit.Trip Presents Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien, generally shortened as Runner2, is a 2013 side-scrolling platformer developed by Gaijin Games. The game is the direct sequel to Bit.Trip Runner. Runner 2 is divided into five themed worlds, each with fourteen regular levels and five bonus stages. The goal...
In a world where modern societies as we know them no longer exist, Fuel Overdose is bringing the action racing experience to a new level. Customizable weapons and vehicles, grappling hooks, climatic catastrophes as well as a whole fighting system are at your disposal to finish first. You'll have to...
Race motorbikes in this licensed release from Black Bean and MileStone. The game features 84 real riders and 32 teams with the official Motocross World Championship license. Also features dynamic terrain deformation, trick system and official race circuits from the Motocross World Championship.
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk is the fourteenth installment in the Japanese Atelier series. The game follows Ayesha, a lonely girl who makes and sells medicine to a traveling merchant. She lives alone in an herbalists workshop after the presumed death of her sister, Nio. During a visit to...
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, known in Japan as Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm 3, is a fighting game developed by CyberConnect2 as part of the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja video game series which is based on the Naruto manga by Masashi Kishimoto. The game will offer over 80-88 playable characters...
MLB 13: The Show is a Major League Baseball video game which was published by Sony Computer Entertainment and developed by Sony San Diego. The game was released on March 5, 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. It is the second installment of the series to be fully...
Tomb Raider delivers an intense and gritty story of the origins of Lara Croft and her ascent from frightened young woman to hardened survivor, armed with only raw instincts and the physical ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance. Superb physics-based gameplay is paired with a heart-pounding narrative...
Gabriel Belmont is a member of the Brotherhood of Light, a group of holy knights who serve to protect the innocent from the forces of evil. His wife Marie, recently murdered by the same evil, now lies trapped between the Earth and the Heavens. Her soul along with many others...
Tim Schafer, the game's creative director, was inspired to create the game by his own past musical experiences. The game features the character of Eddie Riggs, voiced by and modeled after Jack Black, a roadie who is transported to a fantasy world inspired by the artwork of heavy metal album...
Crysis 3 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek, published by Electronic Arts for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 and released in North America on February 19, 2013. Inadvertently revealed by Electronic Arts in April 2012,the game is the third main installment of the Crysis series, a...
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is an action video game developed by Platinum Games and produced by Kojima Productions, for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles. It is the ninth game in the Metal Gear series, with a plot set four years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4:...
The first PlayStation 3 title from Zipper Interactive, MAG is an online-only semi-tactical first-person shooter and the first console game of its kind to support 256 players in a single match. Set in 2025, MAG reveals a future where the planet’s armies have been minimized because of their enormous maintenance...
Sly and the Gang are back in an epic new adventure! The critically-acclaimed Sly Cooper series returns with an epic brand new adventure. The pages of the Thievius Raccoonus are disappearing and Bentley, now keeper of the ancient master thieving book, must round up the gang and save the Cooper...
Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault delivers a concentrated blast of pure fun to the Playstation 3! Full Frontal Assault blends the series' classic comedy, camera, and controls with an innovative new way to play. Drop into the middle of an intergalactic conflict, choose your weapons, and experience Full Frontal...
Warriors of Rock retains the core gameplay feature of the Guitar Hero series, challenging players to match scrolling notes on screen to actions on special game controllers for lead and bass guitar, drums, and vocals. To counter the weakening rhythm game market and the perceived lack of focus of its...
Guitar Hero 5 is the fifth main game in the musical rhythm series. Similar to the previous title, Guitar Hero: World Tour, the focus is on a band-experience, with a lead and bass guitar, drums and vocals. The title is available standalone or bundled with the instruments. Next to a...
Guitar Hero World Tour builds on the gameplay from previous Guitar Hero games, in which players attempt to simulate the playing of rock music using special guitar-shaped controllers. World Tour expands beyond the core guitar-based gameplay by introducing the ability to play drums and sing vocals, and supports the ability...
In Aliens: Colonial Marines, players are part of a United States Colonial Marine squad and must prepare to face an alien assault more intense and horrific than ever before. Packing classic Aliens weaponry ranging from pulse rifles to flamethrowers as well as brand-new equipment and skills all within a squad-based...
Dead Space 3 brings Isaac Clarke and merciless soldier John Carver on a journey across space to discover the source of the Necromorph outbreak. Crash-landed on the frozen planet of Tau Volantis, Isaac must comb the harsh environment for raw materials and scavenged parts. He will then put his engineering...
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is a music video game, the third main installment in the Guitar Hero series, and the fourth title overall. The game was published by Activision and RedOctane, and is the first game in the series to be developed by Neversoft, after Activision's acquisition of...
The Beatles: Rock Band is a 2009 music video game developed by Harmonix Music Systems, published by MTV Games, and distributed by Electronic Arts. It is the third major console release in the Rock Band music video game series, in which players can simulate the playing of rock music by...
Band Hero is a spinoff video game as part of the Guitar Hero series of music video games, released by Activision on November 3, 2009, for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii and Nintendo DS consoles. The game is structurally similar to Guitar Hero 5, and supports full...