

Myst V: End of Ages

Myst V: End of Ages is the final wrap-up of the successful Myst saga. It begins several years after the events of Uru, To D'ni, and Path of the Shell. This final chapter starts in the Age of K'veer, where Atrus, the creator of the linking books, lived in both...

Myst IV: Revelation

In Myst IV: Revelation, you can finally learn the fate of Sirrus and Achenar--the two villains first introduced in the original Myst. The brothers have remained trapped in separate prison worlds, abandoned by their father for crimes they had committed. Now you must venture deep inside these worlds, while uncovering...

Myst III: Exile

Myst III: Exile is the third title in the Myst series of first person adventure video games. While the preceding games in the series, Myst and Riven, were produced by Cyan and published by Brøderbund, Exile was developed by Presto Studios and published by Ubisoft. The game was released on...

Riven Alternative Titles: Riven: The Sequel to Myst

After the Stranger has rescued Atrus, the master of "linking books", from the imprisonment caused by his sons, a new task awaits the hero. Atrus's wife, Catherine, has been taken by Gehn, his own father. Gehn has appointed himself as the one to rule the Age of Riven, and has...


Journey to an island world eerily tinged with mystery--where every rock, every scrap of paper, every fleeting sound holds a clue to an ancient mystery. Enter, if you dare, a starkly beautiful landscape shrouded in intrigue and injustice. Only your wits and imagination hold the power to unlock the shocking...

Crysis 3

Crysis 3 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek, published by Electronic Arts for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 and released in North America on February 19, 2013. Inadvertently revealed by Electronic Arts in April 2012,the game is the third main installment of the Crysis series, a...

Omerta: City of Gangsters

Omerta - City of Gangsters is a simulation game with turn-based tactical game-play elements. The title covers the time of the 1920s - the Roaring Twenties - at the time of the Prohibition in the United States. The games story itself takes place in Atlantic City, Atlantic County were, at...

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition

Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition is a remake of the role-playing video game Baldur's Gate and its expansion Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast. The remake of Baldur's Gate was developed by Overhaul Games, a division of Beamdog. The release includes remastered versions of both Baldur's Gate and its expansion...


Antichamber (originally known as Hazard: The Journey of Life) is a single-player first-person puzzle-platform video game developed by Alexander Bruce. In Antichamber, the player controls the unnamed protagonist from a first-person perspective as they wander through non-Euclidean levels. Regarding typical notions of Euclidean space, Bruce has stated that "breaking down...

ObsCure: The Aftermath Alternative Titles: ObsCure II

Two years ago at Leafmore High, a group of young teenagers were trapped inside their school and hunted by monsters that had been released by the maniac principal. Some of them survived that terrible night, while most others perished. The survivors have since picked up their lives and joined college....

F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate Alternative Titles: FEAR Perseus Mandate

The second expansion pack to F.E.A.R. finds the player leading an alternative F.E.A.R team tasked with investigating the Perseus project at Armacham facilities. For this mission the player is partnered with Captain David Raynes and Lt. Steven Chen, who do their best to assist the player throughout the campaign. The...

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Alternative Titles: FEAR. 2: Project Origin

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin is the sequel to F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon and continues the series' trademark blend of supernatural horror and suspense. Many mechanics from the original first-person shooter have made their way into the game, like slow motion bullet time, and intelligent AI. New gameplay elements have...

Soul of the Ultimate Nation

Soul of the Ultimate Nation (often abbreviated as S.U.N.) is a fantasy-based massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) produced by Webzen, a Korean-based company. It is operated in Korea by WebZen and in mainland China by The9. The game was launched in Taiwan on April 19, and in China on...

Guild Wars: Eye of the North

Guild Wars: Eye of the North (also known as GW:EN and EotN) is an expansion pack to the Action RPG Guild Wars made by the Seattle-based ArenaNet studio, a subsidiary of NCsoft. It was released worldwide on August 31, 2007. Unlike other games in the Guild Wars sequence, Eye of...

Guild Wars Nightfall

In the 3rd installment of the Guild Wars series, you explore the lands of Elona. This land is divided into the three provinces: Istan, Kourna and Vaabi. There is peace between the fractions at the moment, but the fallen God Abaddon prepares his return with the help of his devotees...

Guild Wars Factions

Guild Wars Factions is an Action RPG released in 2006 by ArenaNet, the second in the Guild Wars series. Factions introduces the continent of Cantha where two warring factions, the Luxons and the Kurzicks, are locked in a global persistent war. Players are able to join in this conflict, assisting...

Guild Wars Alternative Titles: Guild Wars Prophecies

Enter the world of Guild Wars, a competitive online role-playing game that rewards player skill. In large head-to-head guild battles, cooperative group combat, and single-player missions, you'll explore a fantasy world full of monsters while pursuing professions and developing your own personalized character. Both you and your teammates can earn...

Touhou 08: Imperishable Night

Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night is the eighth official game of the Touhou Project scrolling shooter series by Team Shanghai Alice. It is the third Touhou game to be released specifically for the Windows operating system. It was first released in the 66th Comiket on August 15, 2004. Imperishable Night...

Touhou 7.5: Immaterial and Missing Power

Touhou Suimusou ~ Immaterial and Missing Power, commonly abbreviated as IaMP in English speaking circles, is a versus fighting game collaboratively developed by Twilight Frontier and Team Shanghai Alice released in 2004. It is numbered as the 7.5th installment in the Touhou Project because the events in the game take...

Touhou 07: Perfect Cherry Blossom

Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom is a vertical-scrolling manic shooter made by Team Shanghai Alice, and is the seventh official game of the Touhou Project. Perfect Cherry Blossom features three different playable characters to choose from, with two different attack types each. Reimu Hakurei can weave through the smallest...

Touhou 06: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Alternative Titles: Touhou Koumakyou: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil is a vertical scrolling shooter and the sixth official game of the Touhou Project series. It is the first to be released specifically for the Windows operating system and the first by Team Shanghai Alice. All games before Embodiment of Scarlet Devil...

Kentucky Route Zero - Act I

An indie adventure game about a secret highway in the caves beneath Kentucky. It was nominated for the Seamus McNally Grand Prize in the 2013 IGF awards. Developed by indie developer duo Cardboard Computer, Kentucky Route Zero is a five-part episodic adventure game set along an underground highway in the...

Strike Suit Zero

Strike Suit Zero (AKA Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut) is a space flight combat game developed by the independent game studio Born Ready Games. Strike Suit Zero seeks to revive the space combat genre by introducing "strike mode" as a new element to the dogfight-based gameplay of classic space combat...

No Time to Explain

No Time to Explain is a comedy platformer game about jetpack guns, giant enemy crabs and time paradoxes. It began as a web game prototype, got onto Kickstarter, got Greenlit and released on Steam on January 25, 2013. It has 100+ levels, real voice screaming and hats. The main character...

Infestation: Survivor Stories Alternative Titles: The War Z

Infestation: Survivor Stories, better known under its original title The War Z, is set in the zombie apocalypse. The game is played on online multiplayer servers on which the player tries to survive. Besides dealing with zombies (to kill them, their brain has to be destroyed either with melee weapons...

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